923 12 27

"SHOUTING"- person shouting

'person thinking'

"person speaking"

attack name



LET'S BEGIN BOOOOYYYYYYSSSSSS............................


we see Asta who is starting to wake up as the sun rays hit his eyes which are coming through the window. He tried to get up he felt a weight on himself, he slowly removed the blanket which was covering him and saw something that made him blush beet red.


'why.....why .......WHY IS SISTER LILY SLEEPING ON ME' I thought blushing hard and trying to remove my eyes away from her well-formed body and the night grown which didn't even hide those. I quickly cleared my mind and slowly came down from the bed silently trying to not wake up sister lily. I came out of sister lily's room and went inside the church, there was no one so I went outside and sat near the fields and thought to myself 'what should I do now since I don't have a grimoire and I don't have magic too all I have is this pendant...' as I said that the pendant suddenly started to shine and I saw something, it was like a memory of my mom being cursed by that female demon. I was getting angry and suddenly an image of my mother saying something came in 

Licitha: "my son I won't be able to see you anymore but remember, you should become strong .........stronger than anyone and take care of the family you are gonna have in the future and lead a happy life my son also protect your loved ones from the dangers of the devil ok," she said this and started to disappear into black ashes.

Then my mind got the image of sister lily and the church who took care of me all the time

'I promise mom I will take care of my loved ones and become strong so that I can protect them from any kind of dangers' after this thought, I got up from the ground and went towards the church and saw father Orsi standing there and cleaning the church.

Asta: "good morning father Orsi," I said greeting him.

Father Orsi: "Oh! good morning to you too asta," he said in return.

Asta: "umm father Orsi I am going to the forest for some training ok?" I asked

Father Orsi: "It's fine asta you can but come back by breakfast ok remember you should never skip breakfast," he said telling me to not forget about breakfast.

Asta: "ok Father Orsi" I replied happily and went outside the church and saw Yuna who was just outside the door.

Yuna: "oh asta good morning what you doing here," she asked

Asta: "oh Good morning I was bout to go to the forest for my training" I replied still having a bit of heaviness in my heart after hearing her saying she a has a crush on the noble last night.

Yuna: "oh I am also going for training too let's go together then," she said and was about to take me with her to the forest for training but I am still not sure what I should feel but then there was a voice.

Sister lily: "Yuna can you help me with the laundry," she asked Yuna to which I mentally thanked God for saving me.

Yuna: "but you can also ask asta to do it right," she said trying to avoid the work to herself.

Sister lily: "No, I can't since you know there are our under ware and your secret shorts-" she said and Yuna suddenly became red as a tomato and shut sister lily's mouth and dragged herself and sister lily inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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