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Ebony's POV :

"Aw! They're so cute!" ucap seseorang samar-samar.

"Yes they are. I hope Emily is okay with it" ucap yang lain. Emily? Who is she?

"Can you all shutup" Jack mumble and burried his head to my neck. Aku membuka mataku dan melihat the boys,with their phone, infront of the bed. Aku melihat kebelakangku dan tampak Jack sedang memelukku.

"Jack what are you doing? And you guys, what are you doing?" tanyaku.

"I want to cuddle with my cuddle buddy" ucap Jack.

"And we are taking picture of you. Your friendship is a goals" ucap Aaron.

"Yeah sure" ucapku sarkas sambil berusaha bangun but i can't. Jack.

"Jack let me go. I have to go to the bathroom" ucapku berusaha melepaskan pelukan Jack.

"Nope, stay here. I want to cuddle" ucap Jack mengeratkan pelukannya.

"Yeah,Ebs. Stay there, he want to cuddle" cibir Carter. I give him a death glare and he put his hands up.

"We'll cuddle later Jack. Right now i have to go to the bathroom" ucapku dan Jack melepaskan pelukannya.

"Promise?" Tanya Jack.

"Nope" ucapku sambil berlari kearah kamar mandi,

"Now, all of you, get out" usirku.

Setelah mereka semua keluar, aku pergi kearah koperku. I take my All Time Low hoodie, black short, underwear and my make up. Aku berjalan kekamar mandi and take a shower. Setelah selesai, i put my clothes on and go out. Aku membiarkan rambutku tergerai dan memakai snapback. Saat aku keluar aku melihat Jack sedang memainkan handphone-nya di atas kasur. Kurasa JJ ikut dengan yang lain. Because he's not here.

"Magcon hari ini jam berapa?" tanyaku yang membuat Jack melihat kearahku.

"Kurasa tiga jam lagi. Kenapa?" balasnya.

"Aku bosan. Pergi yuk" ucapku.

"Pergi? Kemana?"

"Terserah saja. Yang penting keluar hotel"

"Ok. Let me change first" ucap Jack sambil bangkit dari kasur.

"Kau tidak mandi?" tanyaku bingung sambil memasang sepatu Vans ku.

"Nah, nanti saja sebelum event dimulai" ucap Jack.

"Huh pemalas" ucapku sambil mamasukkan phone,ipod and wallet to my purse.

"Biarin. Let's go" ucap Jack.

"Can we go to waffle house first? I'm hungry" rengekku.

"Sure,kebetulan there's waffle house near the hotel. Kemarin aku dan the boys sarapan disana" jelas Jack, aku hanya mengangguk dan kamir berjalan ke waffle house.

Two and a half hour later...


Aku merasakan handphoneku bergetar. Aku mengeluarkannya dan benar saja, Nash mengirimkanku pesan.

From : Nashy Poo 💩

"Where are you two? Come here now. The VIP is already here! Hurry!"

"Jack, Nash texted me and he said that we have to go to the venue right now. The VIP already there" ucapku ke Jack yang sedang mencoba baju.

"Tell him 10 more minutes. And what do you think about this t-shirt?" tanya Jack.

"It looks good on you. C'mon! Nanti Nash tambah marah" ucapku.

To : Nashy Poo💩

"10 more minutes. Jack is trying a new clothes"

"Let me pay this first" ucap Jack sambil berjalan kekasir.

Setelah selesai, kami langsung kemobil dan berangkat ke venue. Setibanya disana, sudah ada antrian panjang menuju hall. Saat mereka melihatku dan Jack, mereka langsung histeris.

"Jack! Ebony!" pekik mereka.

"Ebony! Jack! Oh my god! I ship Jebony!" pekik mereka lagi. I laughed.

"Hai guys! Be patient okay? And there's no Jebony" pekikku sambil tertawa dan berjalan masuk ke hall. Kami masuk ke backstage dan Nash berlari kearahku.

"Where have you been?" Nash shout at me.

"I'm sorry. I just bored being at the hotel doing nothing before the event" ucapku hampir menangis. Aku paling tidak bisa kalau kena marah. Jack langsung memelukku.

"I-i-i don't mean to yell at you. I'm sorry Ebs. I'm sorry" emosi Nash menurun. He tried to hug me but i step back.

"Don't. Not now" ucapku ke Nash.

"O-okay" ucap Nash terbata-bata.

"Johnson, tell the security to let the VIP to get in" ucap Cam yang dari tadi menatapku.

"Okay" balas Jack J.

Aku yang masih dalam rangkulan Jack, berjalan ke hall and the fans start to go crazy. Let the journey, well for today, begin.

Being A GrierTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang