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Ebony's POV :

Saat yang VIP mulai datang , Cameron berjalan kearahku.

"Hei, are you okay?" tanya Cam.

"Yeah i'm fine. Thanks for asking" balasku sambil tersenyum kearahnya.

"Okay. Um, can i join your booth? My booth isn't ready yet" ucap Cam menunjuk boothnya.

"Sure" ucapku dan Cam langsung menanda tangani phone case milik seorang fan yang berada didepan kami. And then we do our thing with the other fans, until..

"Hi Ebs,Cam. Oh my god you two are so cute! I love you both! I hope you guys are a couple! I will be the biggest Cebony shipper!" pekiknya senang. Haha Cebony? I like that sound.

"Well, i'm hoping that too! Haha. What's your name beautiful?" tanya Cam. Apa maksudnya dia mengharapkan itu juga?

"I'm Rachel" ucapnya malu-malu.

"Hi Rachel! Let's take a pic!" i squealed. First, me and Rachel. We're hugging each other. After that, she take a photo of her and Cam. Cam merangkul dan mencium punya kepalanya. The last one she take a picture with me and Cam.

"Oh my god. Thank you so much guys! I love you!" ucapnya sambil berjalan menjauh.

"Cebony huh? What do you think about it?" tanya Cam merangkulku mengajakku berjalan ke backstage. Rachel memang yang terakhir di VIP hari ini.

"I like it. It's cute" i siad joking. He blushed.

"Me too" ucapnya. And now, i'm the one who blushed.

"Guys! C'mon!" pekik Hayes.

"C'mon Ebs" ucap Cam.

Saat tiba di backstage, ada seorang gadis duduk dipangkuan Jack. I guess that's Emily, the girl that the boys talked about this morning. She so pretty. I think i've seen her before.

"Hi Jack" ucapku sambil melemparkan bokongku ke sofa.

"Hi Ebs. Um, Emily this is Ebony. Ebony this is Emily" ucap Jack.

"Hai! Nice to meet you! Jack never told me that he have a girlfriend tho" ucapku.

"Yeah, he said that he wants to tell you on the right time" ucap Emily.

"Okay. Well, since Emily's here. Where do i sleep?" tanyaku kesemuanya. Lebih tepatnya berteriak.

"You can share a room with me! I'll book a room!" ucap Maggie.

"Yay! Okay. And about the room thing, aku rasa Bart pernah mengatakan bahwa ada satu kamar lagi yang tersisa. I'll ask him" ucapku yang disambut dengan 'ok' oleh Maggie.

"Bart! Apa masih ada kamar yang tersisa?" tanyaku.

"Yeah, i'll get you the key" ucap Bart.

"Sweet! Thanks Bart" balasku. Setelah itu aku langsung berlari ke Maggie.

"Yup, masih ada satu kamar kagi. We'll move our bags after the event" ucapku.

"Okay and c'mon. You have to go to the stage" ucap Maggie menarik tanganku.

Kami berjalan keluar backstage dan naik keatas panggung. Aku mengambil sebuah mic dan berdiri disamping Mahogany.

"Yoo! Orlando! What's up!" pekikku. Mereka berteriak heboh.

"Okay let's call them! First, my brothaa Nash Grier!" panggilku. Nash berlari keluar dan do their thing.

"Cam Dallas!"

"Jack Gilinksy!"

"Cartaah Reynolds!"

"Jack Johnson!"

"Taylor Caniff!"

"Matthew Lee!"

"Shawn Mendes!"

"Aaron Carpenter!"

"Hayes Grier!"

"Jacob Whitesides!"

"And our guest for this week, Sam Wilkinson!" pekikku yang membuat mereka tambah berteriak.

"Hai guys. And welcome, to the first Magcon New Jersey!" ucap Nash megambil alih mic.

Being A GrierTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang