1st Chapter

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Copyright ©Naseeb Auwal (2022).
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This story captures the heartbeat of lovers especially those who have experienced the highs and lows of love

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This story captures the heartbeat of lovers especially those who have experienced the highs and lows of love. It's a journey that will make you smile, laugh, and cry as it takes you to different planets and allows you to live a beautiful life as well as complicated within its pages.

As you embark on this amazing journey, feel free to interact with us and share your thoughts and ideas. Your engagement is valuable to me as it helps me improve and refine the narrative.

Are you ready to embark on this journey? Don't worry about packing your bags; all you need is to start reading.

And so, we begin.


The Beginning

The cloudless sky allows the sunshine to positively affect the grassy area of the garden, which is large enough to be a habitat as well as a niche for different species.

The garden is a sight to behold, with beautiful flowers displaying their vibrant colours, birds singing melodious tunes, butterflies fluttering around, and the green-coloured ground. The garden is a symphony of nature's beauty.

As the saying goes, "All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in seeds of today," reminding us that the beautiful garden we see today is a result of the careful planting and nurturing of seeds in the past.

The plants are grouped and arranged perfectly, creating an intensive green that is a feast for the eyes. The plants, together with the grasses, display their unique shapes, giving various effects.

The fresh air in the garden is one of the best things about it. It fills the lungs, gives energy, promotes clear vision, and refreshes the body. The air is welcoming, cool, and fragrant, providing an invigorating experience.

"Hey Faruq, where have you been?" asked the woman as she approached the young boy, who appeared to be around sixteen years old. Despite being in her forties, she was still energetic and she had a striking dark brown complexion.

The boy was unaware of the woman's presence and her question. She looked at him through her watery eyes and smiled. She patted her shoulder-length black hair and gently removed her transparent white sunglasses, revealing her downturned medium eyes.

"My son, I've told you before, you're too young to be in this game," she said, smiling as she tried to take the picture from his hand.

"Oh, so you're here? When did you arrive?" the boy asked, holding her hand and attempting to retrieve the picture. His brown skin was brighter than hers.

The mother patted her son's head, feeling his closely-cropped black hair. He was handsome, well-built, and attractive. He moved his heart-shaped lips and murmured something under his breath. "ZAHRA!!!" he exclaimed before closing his round eyes and smiling.

Tears welled up in Christiana's eyes as she saw her little and last born in this situation. It was hurting her.

"Everything has its time, and there is a specific time for everything, my son. You are still young, and you should concentrate on your studies. I am your mother, and I always guide you. Remember, I am your best friend and a good friend will not lead their friends astray or to a bad destination for today or tomorrow."

"Mom," the son interrupted. "I believe in you, and I know you always tell the truth. But, do you know that Zahra also guides me?"

Christiana hugged her son and rubbed her Nubian nose against his hawk-like nose, so he wouldn't notice her tears.

In that garden, the mother held her son as the birds sang in different languages. The ants moved from one kingdom to another, searching for food or transferring their eggs to a more favourable location. All of this was happening in the garden, located inside the home of the Professor of Botany, Prof. Ali, Christiana's husband, and Faruq's father...

"Mom," a girlish voice interrupted. "You and this boy are hiding in the garden, and you left me and Dad alone." The voice belonged to a girl of about eighteen years old. She adjusted her white shoes, which covered her white feet and skin up to her ankles.

"How can you and Dad be alone?" chipped in the fourteen-year-old boy. "The word 'and' is the opposite of alone," he added, his eyes fixed on her dark blue jeans that matched her dark shirt of the same colour.

She smiled, and her oval-shaped face turned slightly pink. Her round eyes reflected happiness, which was further enhanced by her Roman nose resting above her rounded, soft lips. She was curvy and slim.

"It's almost eleven o'clock. Let's go and have brunch," said the girl.

"Okay, Alia," said Christiana, the mother. "I am proud of you."

"Mom, are you proud of her because she is not in love?" Faruq asked. "I swear by Allah, she is in love too. Sometimes you have to check her WhatsApp messages."

Instead of answering, they all laughed and walked together towards the inner house, which was located in the middle of a well-developed botanical garden.

Professor Ali was currently a lecturer at the biggest university in Nurania, the country they lived in. The university was named "Mamman James," after one of the best freedom fighters in Nurania's history.

It seems like my pen needs a well-deserved rest. But before I go, my dear friend, I want to leave you with a little reminder: always remember to express yourself through writing. Let your thoughts and emotions flow freely in the comment section, for it is a powerful way to connect with me and with others.

Also, don't forget the power of you... Your comments and votes can act as a catalyst, fueling the creativity and passion of writers everywhere. So don't be afraid to share your thoughts and opinions, as they can make a world of difference.

Until next time, keep reading and keep shining your light into the world!

Thank you.

Thank you

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