5th Chapter

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"Where is Faruq Ali?" Said the punchy principal as he set foot in the classroom almost gasping.

"I am here Sir," answered Faruq.

The Principal looked at him studying his face. "So you are the son of Prof Ali?"
"Yes Madam," said Faruq and with immediate effect he covered his mouth with two hands, "Sorry Sir, I mean Sir." He said reluctantly, it made the whole class laugh this enraged the principal.

"Faaassss" he slapped Faruq, the force forced him to fall, and he put his hand on his cheek to make sure that all facial bones are safe.

It was extremely quiet, with no noise, not even the sound of a pen moving on paper. The students were shocked and frightened. This was the first time they experience the principal's anger.

"Who asked you to write love letters to Zahra? Are you mad? Is she your class?"
"Sorry Sir we are in the same class, she is here." Answered Faruq and pointed to her.
"Close your rotten mouth, bastard... You want to bastardise my young students, Who told you this kind of class I am talking about... I must show this class an example and lesson on you so that nobody will write such a letter again." Said the Principal he then handed a paper to him and asked him to read it to the class.

Faruq collected and unwrapped it, he then faced his fellow students and his eyes met Zahra's. She looked down disappointed.

My heart is free to go anywhere but it chooses to go in your direction, my prayers are wingless your love will lift them.
My heart fall apart and broke into pieces and all the pieces are racing and competing to love you more...
Every day, your love is increasing...
When you said we can't be together the pain flooded my heart do you know that I am still drowning in the sea of sadness, Please help me, Zahra.
I want you!
I miss you!!
I need you!!!

Unexpectedly Zahra discovered tears flooding from her eyes, and she hid her face burying it beneath her hands.

The class members uncontrollably clapped Faruq.

"Heyyyyyy" Principal Shouted and threw his smartphone hard against the wall, it fall apart and scattered into pieces...

"I must deal with you." He said attempting to take off his shirt.
Three teachers stepped in and held him, went out with him trying to untie himself from their hands,  after a while a giant man with flog entered took Faruq and went out.

As they are out of sight of students and nobody among the students could see them, he slapped Faruq three times one after the other, and led him to the office where teachers are still comforting the Principal to forgive Faruq, "It is just an act of childhood..." Some female teachers claimed. "You don't know this boy, today his thousands of mistakes are completed he grabbed the flog from one teacher and went to Faruq, he flogged him out of sense, one giant among the teachers held him and with force, he separated between Principal and him, but the man even tried to hit him by his leg if not because of his training he would have already fallen crying.

"I think there must be something beneath your heart Mr Principal." Said one lady from the teacher's part.
"The way he is beating this boy..." Chipped in another fat lady.
"Is perilous..." Said an older one.
"His parents will not forgive you." Claimed the youngest teacher.

The Principal looked at the teachers around one by one and said, "What happened? Why are you holding me?"

They all looked at him surprisingly, he then smiled and look at Faruq and asked "What happen to your clothes? Who ask you to come to school in a squeezing uniform?"

Faruq looked down.

"Okay, I have remembered, one of the parents came and claimed that you are sending his daughter amatory letters... I am about to go and fetch you and amazingly you are here..." Continued The principal.

"You beat me and you are acting as if you don't know about it..." Said Faruq weeping tears for the first time in his school life. Faruq removed his shirt and turned back to the principal...

Principal eyes watered and came to Faruq "Who does this to you, my boy, who is that mad enough to try this madness...?"

Faruq just looked at him thinking about the better answer...

"Faruq, go back to your class we will call you later." One teacher said adjusting his sunglasses.

Faruq went back to class after washing his face in the bathroom. Class members rounded him asking him about what happened to him because they heard the sound of flogging...

"Hope it's not you they are beating like this." Zahra found herself asking him.
"It is all because of you, the whole class are blaming you, you can't convince us, shut up." A fatty boy shouted at her.
"I swear, If flogging would make her love me, then I would choose to be flogged forever...." Faruq said to the fatty boy and it surprised the classmates.

"Pain" Continued Faruq "is the price of love. So hurting me will not decrease my love for her, the more it hurts the greater I love..."

Faruq smiled back at Zahra, as tears ran down her eyes. Her heart is wreathing in pain she even thought that Faruq is mad, is he just mad or mad in love? At a young age, she couldn't differentiate between madness and madness in love, but she could recall one thing she read about love which claimed that 'love is madness'. In her view, love is madness at a young age, and the heart of her heart which claimed that she is out of darkness told her "That's why your father asked you not to be in that kind of madness..."

We will stop here and continue later.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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