Chapter 11 - Bad Guy

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After they visited the hidden room in the library, El still find tracks of her real parents through the old yearbooks of Rochdale Boarding School. Delvin kept the book from the hidden room in his bed. Delvin saw that Rion is about to wake up so he immediately hide the book in his drawer. 

"What's that?" Rion asked while rubbing his eyes.


Rion went to the drawer immediately while Delvin is trying to stop him.

"I swear that's nothing go away, wolf guy." 

Due to Rion's werewolf strength, he easily tossed Delvin to his bed and opened the drawer.

"What's this?" Rion asked with confusion.

"I told you it's nothing... It's just a book that I got on that creepy hidden library."

"Then why are you hiding it?" 

"You know it's an offense to steal right, especially school's properties."

"Really? You follow what's written on the student's handbook?"

"You don't?"

"Well... Who does?"

"You just don't know the expectations when you're father is a professor." Delvin said as he returned the book to the drawer. 


"Yes, Professor Cage. The one that teaches Occult Biology. Rings a bell?"

"He's your dad? Wait... No way..." Rion chuckled while fixing his uniform on the mirror. 

"This is the exact reason why I don't want to tell it to anyone because no one will believe it. That Delvin is the son of Professor Cage a very renowned professor and warlock. I swear I'm so done, I mean why do I even have to go through this it's not like I wanted to become a siphon like ancestors give no magic and make me a siphon. It's not like I did that." 

"No one said you did that. It's just that you two don't look alike."

"You son of a... You know what? watch your words sometimes all right, because the rumor about me siphoning a roommate might become real." 

Rion laughed at Delvin and continued preparing for their class. He looked in the mirror and saw what happened to him in his transformation. He bobbed his head and breathe deeply. A knock on the door caused Rion to snap out of it. 

"I'll get it." Delvin said.

Delvin opened the door and saw Professor Sloane.

"Hi, Ms. Sloane. I mean good morning... Very good morning. What brings you here? Did I do something—Did we do something?"

Professor Sloane entered the room and looked around. She grabbed her hand fan inside her coat and opened it in front of them, "Be in the Central Hall at 7. No one's allowed to be late, Professor Higgins has an announcement to make. Understood?"

Delvin nodded and looked at Rion quickly, "Yes Ms. Sloane, we will." 

Professor Sloane stared at Rion intensely and then exited the room. Delvin stared at Professor Sloane's exit then closed the door quietly. He looked at Rion with a smile on his face and sighed deeply behind the door.

"Is she really that scary?" Rion asked Delvin while preparing his things for the Central Hall. He fixed his bed right after he finished preparing. 

"I mean scary could be something..." Delvin said while laughing at Rion. 

"Shut up..." Rion smiled at Delvin with a disgusted look. Rion looked at the clock and saw that it was already 6:53 in the morning. Rion pointed at the clock then signaled Delvin to the door. Delvin reached for his coat in his closet. Delvin looked in the mirror then removed the dust from his clothes. Rion tossed over the comb to Delvin. He fixed his hair with the comb and he suddenly saw a yellow liquid on the comb's handle. He is disgusted by it but then realized that it's Rion's blood. He went to ask Rion about it but Rion already left the room after he gave Delvin the comb. Delvin remembered every time Rion is acting weird, Rion usually clenched his fist whenever he was out of control. This gave Delvin a hint that Rion isn't still in full control of his power. Delvin left the room and went to the Central Hall with Rion. 

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