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Santa Clause is a Lover

Otousan had called me to a bar which is weird enough. He said that he wanted me to attend the company's foundation party. I know that he wants to introduce me to the people as the successor. But I am still not sure if I really want to take over the company. Seeing okaa-san begging me I accepted to go to the party for a while.

While coming back I saw a library. I searched for some medical books. Kotoko's words rang in my ears -" I feel Irie-kun will make it somehow. Like you will create medicines or become a doctor and cure diseases". Studying medicine looks good. Maybe I will like it.

Today was the day of Christmas. I had completed my shift earlier and went to the party. It was really boring in there. I went out to find Jinko and her boyfriend singing. Then I remembered Kotoko was having a party with her friends in our house.

Just whenI entered the house I got hit by a racquet on my head. I knew it, Kotoko was in the house alone and she had mistaken me for a thief. I had bought some chicken andcake in case she didn't have anything to eat at home. And of course, I didn'ttell her that I bought it for her. She lit candles on the cake and wanted me tomake a wish. Seeing her so eager, I told her to make a wish instead of me.Seeing her making a wish happily while smiling, also brought a smile to myface. Even though this Christmas started boring it ended happily.

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