chapter 19

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It's been a week and jungkook is still in the hospital to heal but today he will be discharged so y/n is here no doing the paperwork as jungkook washed up both himself and jiwon to go home. Y/N already packed back the bag with all the stuff they brought so it's just about time to go.

Now jungkook is just sitting with jiwon one the bed waiting.

Y/N's P.O.V

I just finished all the work to have jungkook and jiwon discharged now it's time to go home. I walked to the ward and saw jungkook sitting with jiwon in his arms falling asleep. "Hey love. It's time to go home now". He looked up at me smiled and nodded. I took the bag putting it on my shoulder I let jungkook walk out and I walked close behind him.

Everyone in the corridor smiled seeing the new born as some of them congratulated us. Soon we were put in the parking lot. Jungkook got in the back seat with jiwon as I out the bag in the truck then got into the driver's seat.

"Ready to go home". Jungkook nodded eagerly. With that I drove off to home. As the house came into his field of vision jungkook smiled. "I really missed home. I hate hospitals I couldn't even sleep properly I'm so glad to be back now".

"You'll get your proper rest now baby". "Also there's something I needed to tell u but I'll do that once we're settled inside. I pulled into the garage parking and helped jungkook out. He handed jiwon to be carefully and got the bag. It wasn't heavy so he could carry it.

We made our way into the house then to our room. As soon as we got in jungkook put the bag down and immediately layed I'm bed making me laugh at his cuteness. I walked over and layed jiwon in the crib we placed beside the bed beforehand for him letting him sleep then kayed beside jungkook on bed.

"So what is it that u wanted to tell me". Jungkook asked softly. "Welll I know when I go on missions you're always really worried about me so I did something". Saying that u told him about everything and u could see his eyes brighten more if it was even possible.

He scooted closer and layed on me putting his head on my chest cuddling into me like he used to. I could feel his body relax even more in my arms. "You missed this huh, u haven't been about to get cuddled like this in a while". "I really missed it. This is where I feel safest". I caressed his hair as he closed his eyes taking in my touch.

"I'm so glad you're finally safe now". "Me too love". While we were cuddling we heard little whines that turned into cries from the crib. Jungkook sprang up and got jiwon out of his crib putting him down between us he started feeding him. I played with his little hands which soon ended up in him making a little fist around my finger.

Jungkook watched with a smile. "I can't wait for the days where we'll get to take u to school and go places with u and play around". I said with a small smile. "Babe don't u think he looks alot like you". Jungkook said. I then examined jiwons face. "He does look like me doesn't he, but he has your nose".

Jungkook nodded in agreement then hissed. "What's wrong". "The stitches still hurt". He pouted. "It's alright baby, the pain will go away in a couple days". "I'm hungry". He said. I got up. "I'll go make something for u hm". He nodded.

And that's how we spent the rest of our day relaxing in the room taking care of jiwon and spending time together in between.

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