Coaterr 25

433 13 25

   The next few seconds passed in silence.
Dino opened his eyes slowly, hoping desperately he'd been fast enough...
He was met with Woolfs face only an inch away from his own, his eyes filled with terror as he stared Dino straight in the eyes. Furrysaur cleared his throat, shakily standing up and placing Woolf on solid ground. The furry just stood there, clearly shook. Dino would be too, after all that just happened.
Nadwe suddenly ran up to Woolf, tackling him in a hug. Woolf seemed shocked for a second before awkwardly hugging him back. Dino also walked over and joined in, soon followed by Oof and Joocie.
Oompa started over last, he didn't really know Woolf that well, so he didn't really feel like he had the right to rush in as fast as the others, if that made sense. It was a good thing he did too, because if he hadn't lagged behind, he may not have heard the metal footsteps behind him. He turned around, shocked by the sight.
Whatever it was, it looked like Laff, but... metal? It's eyes were glowing red, and it's skin was a mixture of glittering silver and black, and a gravity gun that looked like it had merged with its arm. It's gaze was directed at the rest of the group at first, but quickly turned to Oompa, as if it had sensed his eyes on it.
"Uh... guys?" he stammered, stepping back from... whatever that thing was.
"This is gonna sound crazy, but there is a metal Laff coming this way-" Oompa was cut off as he was lifted into the air, 'Laff's gravity arm aimed directly at him.
He heard a shocked gasp behind him, followed by an almost silent murmur. "Laff...? How-"
'Laff' chuckled. "Not anymore..." his voice had gotten much, much deeper, and sounded off. Slightly robotic, but not completely. It sent shivers down Oompas spine. And he'd thought normal Laff was terrifying.
"W-what are you then?" Oompa recognized Nadwes whimper easily. Even though he didn't know the child well, he had a very distinctive voice.
"I am the beginning and end of this world." 'Laff' stated matter-of-factly.
"Can you just give us a name instead of being mysterious? It's kind of annoying when you talk like that." Oof said. Oompa was stunned by the lack of fear in his voice. Was he not scared of this monstrosity?
"L4FF." 'Laff' growled, eying Oof angrily.
He aimed Oompa at the courthouse wall and pulled the trigger, sending him flying into the wall. The impact was followed by a sickening crack as Oompa fell limp.
"Now, get in the courthouse before I do to you what I did to Oompa." L4FF chuckled, aiming his gun at the group.
Oof stared in shock at Oompas body, fear building in his chest. This was his fault, wasn't it? He'd probably angered L4FF, if he'd kept his mouth shut maybe he wouldn't have...
He felt a hand grab him arm and pull him back and into the courthouse. He was pressed against a wall, and only after that did he look over to see Joocie staring at him, fear in his eyes. 𝘙𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵, he reminded himself. 𝘓𝘢𝘧𝘧𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵. 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵... Oof mouthed 'thank you' to Joocie before looking over to L4FF, who was staring at him, almost disappointedly. Had he WANTED to kill him? How insane was he?
"Get in the corner!" L4FF ordered, shaking off his disappointment and gesturing toward the back of the room. It was fine. He'd get to kill Oof later.
They shuffled to the corner, backing against the wall. Dino was infront of Woolf, his arm out as if protecting him. Woolf had pulled Nadwe next to him, also looking like he was protecting the child, who had his head down, staring at L4FF with anger flaring in his eyes. Oof was eying the floor, and Joocie was next to him, watching him worriedly. L4FF scanned the room for Socks, then noticed him peeking out from behind Dinos hood. He squeaked in alarm once he noticed he'd been spotted and ducked back behind the furrys hood.
Good. Everyone was accounted for.
L4FF stepped up toward them, and he could feel everyone's terrified gaze turn on him as he walked up to the gold block in the wall to the left of them. He placed and flicked the lever on it, and the floor opened up to reveal a staircase with a small elevator at the bottom. He backed away, once again aiming his gun at the group. "Get on the eleva'or!" He commanded.
Oof was the first to comply, shuffling down the stairs and going down into the chamber below. The rest soon followed, disappearing down the elevator.

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