Cpatwr 13

299 14 15

   Socks woke up slowly, his ears ringing as he tried to remember what'd happened.
Blaza had come in wanting to take him back to jail, and in his defense he'd told his (former?) friend everything. He stood there a second, then he'd grabbed Socks and dragged him outside seconds before...
Right. His frickin house blew up.
Wait... Blaza had saved his life!
The thought caused Socks to jerk awake, sitting up and immediately looking for Blaza, his disoriented self taking a second to realize he was passed out next to him.
He quickly checked Blaza for wounds, wiping the ash off his hoodie. It looked like Blaza had landed on top off him, shielding the spaceman from most of the blow. Socks realized that Blaza was covered in sharp debris, piercing his hoodie and provoking blood from the many cuts on his back and arms.
He looked around for anything he could use as bandages, instead seeing a figure a little ways into the woods. He was about to call out, but hesitated. Everyone thought... well, knew he'd killed Meme, and would probably assume he'd killed Blaza too if they noticed him.
Even though it was risky, he couldn't risk Blazas life. He took a deep breath and shouted at the figure, who turned around and started sprinting toward him. Once he came out from the shadows, Socks recognized the gas mask and lab coat almost immediately.
"Laff! Do you have any bandages? Blazas hurt." He pleaded, looking up at Laff hopefully.
Laff simply chuckled.
"An' why would I help yous?"
"Please, just help him. I'll go to jail, I'll do whatever you want, just please. I... I don't want him to die too." Socks begged.
"Oh, foolish child." Laff started. "I don't care about Blaza. In fact..." he pulled a gravity gun from his pocket.
"What are you-" Socks was interrupted by Laff grabbing him with the gun, raising him away from Blaza.
"I still need yous... but Blaza... he knows you didn't shoot Meme, doesn't 'e?" Laff questioned.
Socks froze. "I-I thought you- how did you know I didn't-"
Laff cut him off.
"It doesn't matter. What does matter, is that I can't leave anyone else who knows alive..." he said, pulling a knife from his pocket and stepping closer to Blaza.
Realizing what he was about to do, Socks screamed and started flailing in the gravity guns grip like an angry toddler, his efforts gaining him nothing but exhaustion.
Laff brought the knife down on Blazas shoulder. Socks stared in disbelief at the villager, hatred boiling inside him.
"Now, let's get yous where noone'll find ya..."

(—— Time Skip ——)

  Laff opened a door in the back of his "counseling" business, revealing a small lab.
"Alright, get in there." Laff said, using the gravity gun to rocket him into a tube-like structure at the back of the room.
The impact stunned Socks, and before he could react, Laff had pressed a button and caused the machine to lock on his arms, legs, and head. Laff inserted some sort of book into a terminal next to him, and he blacked out.

When he came to, he was welcomed back to reality by massive walls all around him, one of which was shorter then the others, only slightly taller then he was.
He tried to take advantage of this and look over to see where he was, but it was still to high.
"Heyyyyy Socks." He heard Laff say above him, his voice strangely deep.
"Where... where am I?!" Socks demanded, trying to hide his fear.
"Same place you went out, mate. Don't yous recognize it?" Laff chuckled.
That didn't make sense. He'd been in a small lab, not... wherever this was.
His thoughts were interrupted by a shadow looming over him. He looked up to see... Laff?!? He was gigantic!!
"When did you get so big?!?" He stammered, falling over out of shock.
Laff laughed. "Yknow, yous sound adorable at tha' size." He said, bending down and grabbing Socks, lifting him up and holding him where he could see the rest of the room.
Then it hit him.
The room wasn't massive, and Laff wasn't giant.
He was tiny!


  Tiny Sock boi :D
705 words

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