Old Friends and Sorcery

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Tommy woke up, covered by the warm blankets that shrouded him.

He huffed lightly, proceeding to get out of the mattress.

He stood, stretching his arms.

He changed into some comfortable clothes, a burgundy cardigan slung on his torso.

He walked to the bathroom, brushing his hair and doing the usual.

As he brushed the golden locks of hair that adorned his head, he noticed it had grown longer in the past weeks.

He hadn't yet cut it for some reason.

It curled at his nape, almost bypassing the point.

He shrugged, unbothered. He'd cut it another time.

He walked downstairs, welcomed by the smell of flowers and spices.

He felt like something was off.

Right - Clementine had left yesterday.

And he also spoke to that fae again.

He shuddered, slightly unnerved by the first encounter.

That first time he met the fae, Wil, as he asked to be called, really scared him.

He opened the window to allow fresh air in. The odour of herbs were cluttering the air inside, it was slightly suffocating.

Tommy sighed, grabbing a leather cloak.

He decided to visit Niki and Tubbo, see how they were doing.

He also needed to buy some ingredients from the village on the other side of the bridge.

The bridge was broken, however. But Tommy has his ways.

He shrouded himself in the cloak, putting on his shoes.

He stepped forward, his head visible while the rest of his body was hidden.

He then froze in his tracks.

At the stairs of his cottage, was a bouquet.

Borage and delphinium rested against some thin rope, holding the flowers in one place.

In the centre was chrysanthemum.


A gift from the fae.

He couldn't accept it - he would have to owe the fae Wil.

He sucked through his teeth, picking up the bouquet.

Maybe the fae did it out of the goodness of his heart? No, Wil wouldn't do that.

He would most likely want the blonde to owe him again.

He shut the door behind him, locking it as he stepped down the stairs.

Tommy began walking towards the faerie circle.

He froze when he heard rustling in a bush nearby.

He flicked his head in that direction.

An albino raccoon popped its head out.

"Shroud! Fucking- don't scare a witch like that, Prime." Tommy gasped in relief.

Shroud purred, scampering towards Tommy and nuzzling her cheek on Tommy's legs.

"I'm going to the fae ring. I'll be back, protect the house for me?"

Shroud chittered, nodding and rushing towards the opposite direction, in which where the cottage was.

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