Written by alannaxgrey
The fireplace crackled, the orange flames fighting against the cold outside as the small group of Hufflepuff students gathered together in the common room. The excitement rippled through the air as the kids tore through their brightly wrapped Christmas presents, magnified by the multitude of toffees and chocolate frogs they had been scoffing throughout the night. Everyone had gotten their presents already, except Ivy, who was empty-handed.
She watched as the friends around her received all sorts of treats and magical items as Blossom, her best friend since the first year, unwrapped the newest broomstick model. Now that she was the Hufflepuff seeker, her rich, pure-blood parents had been making sure she was equipped with all the right gear. Ivy felt the twang of a nasty emotion arising from inside. Jealousy.
She would never admit to it, of course, but Ivy was jealous. Her parents were muggles and didn't make a lot of money. They also knew little about the world that Ivy was thrust into at the age of eleven, so they never knew what to buy for her. Of course, Ivy loved them, but sometimes she would fantasise the idea of having a pure-blood family who were rich in gold Galleons. Maybe then more people would want to be her friend. Maybe then the Slytherin's wouldn't tease her for who she was, and maybe she would have at least one present under the glittering Christmas tree.
Oh well. Maybe Blossom would give her a go on the broomstick, or Charlie would let her try some of his Every Flavour Beans. Christmas had always been overrated, anyway.
Eventually, Ivy disappeared off to the girls dormitory, unnoticed by the excitable, chattering students. Finding her trunk at the bottom of her bed, she took her coat and yellow and black striped scarf, wrapped herself in the warmth, before sneaking her way out of the common room.
The rest of the castle was pretty quiet, all the other students either tucked away in their own common rooms or pigging out in the Great Hall. Ivy had already eaten a plate full of Christmas dinner; any more and she was sure she would throw up. So she continued on until she entered the courtyard, stepping into the glistening snow. Her footsteps crunched as she made her way to the bridge with her hands deep in the pockets of her coat. It was freezing out there, the bitter wind nipped at any exposed skin until Ivy shuddered. But she kept moving until she reached the bridge.
The view of the Black Lake and the castle and the countryside had always been Ivy's favourite view. She came out here when she needed some time alone, which was becoming more often as the years she spent at Hogwarts progressed. The castle was big, but with so many students teeming around, sometimes it simply wasn't big enough. It was peaceful out here. Plenty of space to relax and think, with only the soft breeze whispering through the trees as a distraction.
She stood out there for a long time, even when her teeth started to chatter and she had to hide her face in the warmth of her scarf. It was only when she planned to escape into the warmth once more when a voice called out to her. Male. Familiar.
Ivy turned, sure that her face began to glow as Lorcan jogged over to her. He was smiling as he approached her.
"What in the world are you doing out here?" he asked in disbelief, taking a step closer to Ivy.
She shrugged, glancing back out over the view. "Needed some space."
Lorcan's brow furrowed, unsure what to say. He'd always been like that. Tall, shy, with ruffled brown hair and bottle green eyes. "On Christmas day?" he said, confused.
"It's just another day," Ivy said. She toed at the ground, avoiding his eyes. She never could explain why she grew into a nervous wreck whenever he was around.
"Did you get any presents?" Lorcan asked softly.
Ivy hesitated, before she shook her head. She didn't want him feeling sympathy towards her. She was simply telling the truth.
Lorcan grimaced. "I'm sorry," he said sincerely. "I know this time of year is difficult for you."
Ivy shrugged again. Then she noticed Lorcan smile. A mischievous smile, which made Ivy briefly wonder what he was up to.
"That's why I got you this," he said, revealing a small, box-shaped present from the inside of his coat. Ivy's eyes widened a little, as if he'd just cast a spell she'd never heard of before.
"What is it?" she asked him.
He shoved it further towards her, full of impatience. "Open it."
Ivy took it from him and slowly unwrapped the paper. Inside was a small, black box. She opened it, and her mood inflated instantaneously.
A bracelet. Delicate and silver and decorated with small, ivy leaves that wrapped around it. She had never received a present like this. She felt light and warm and... content.
"Merry Christmas," Lorcan smiled, brushing his hand against hers. His skin was as soft as a butterfly wing, and Ivy felt her heart stutter beneath her chest.
"Thank you," she breathed.
Without another word said, Lorcan turned and made his way back to the castle, while Ivy watched his retreating back as she basked in the glow of the warmth that only he could bring.

Flick and Swish || A Harry Potter Anthology
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