CHAPTER 27. Everything's The Way It Seems

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My legs shook as he helped me upright, shielding me from suddenly too bright chandeliers. I jerked my head maniacally. I was in Alexandr's bedroom and behind me towered a mirror in a golden frame twice my height. Its surface was black, like a pool of tar.

With a rapid heartbeat, I wondered if somewhere there the vault was being destroyed. If I should have gone back and retrieved the treasures. The instant I thought about it, Alexander threw a silver drape over the glass, blocking the alluring blackness from view.

"How did you like the journey?"

I turned to him. His face was a picture of perfect composure. "Where did you get this mirror? It's forbidden magic."

His mouth twitched. "You sound a bit too judgemental for someone who has just fallen out of one straight into my room."

I cleared my throat.

The candles were lit up in his bedroom, but through the windows I could see the light of sun yet to rise. We were still standing only a couple of inches apart and he did not make a move to increase the distance.

I turned my gaze to him.

"Today is the day of the coronation?"

"Right. And our wedding day." He gave me a small smile.

I did not return it.

"What did you do, Alex?"

"Whatever do you mean?" He looked too innocent, blinking far too many times at my question.

"Don't try to act like you don't know. Last night. What happened?"

"You would have known hadn't you run away."

He took a step towards me and I barged into the wall.

"Tell me, where it is you ran off to last night? What were you doing in my brother's manor?" He took a tiny step closer and I felt my breath hitch. "And why did your name move on the family tree tapestry in the hall of roots?"

I forcefully willed my voice not to shake as I met his unblinking gaze.

"No." Anger flared up in my veins as I jabbed my finger into his chest, surprising the both of us. "You tell me. Tell me - was there anything, at least one little minuscule thing among everything you ever told me-" I gulped. "That wasn't a complete lie."

Alexander blinked, oh so slowly. And for a moment it seemed like something shattered in his eyes. He wrapped his hand around my finger and squeezed it.

"Aster." Up close, he still smelled of adoration water.

"And you tried to feed me a potion," I muttered.

"It was only meant for guests to ease their spirits. I did not expect you would drink three goblets."

I felt my cheeks heat up. Somehow, he was standing even closer now.

"We used to understand each other so well," he whispered and his eyes glistened as he leaned in. The smell of expensive soup and honeysuckle, his favorite plant. He smelled exactly like he used to when we were younger. He still looked the same, I noted, still had the same sarcastic mouth and thoughtful eyes.

And he was so warm. Unlike the Vault behind the mirror, the city at night, and the castle of August with all its mysteries.

Maybe it was stress.

Or maybe I was mad, but I did not stop him as his hand slipped to my leg. Slowly, he crumpled the skirts of my dress, lifting it inch by inch, higher and higher.

His breath was a mere whisper on my neck.

"I've put my trust in you," he murmured, as his lips barely touched mine, sending shivers up my spine.

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