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warning ⚠ mentions of blood
rewuest by agotzmann :)

"oh what's that old hunk of junk?" Lucky snorted while getting in Trevor's garage, watching us trying to repair his Ectomobile that we previously crashed while driving it around Summerville.

"What do you want" Trevor responded, clearly annoyed rolling his eyes back.

"Whoa there, i just wanted to ask are you guys in the mood to head up the mountain with us?" Lucky responded, crossing her arms, staring as us.

I looked at Trevor signaling him to say no, because we we're supposed to go ghost hunting after we repaired Ectomobile.

"No, we're not in the mood, have fun"He said moving his sweaty curls from his forehead, and turned back continuing his work.


"Whoa! Yes!" He yelled happily as Ecto-1 suddenly took off in the air and landed on the road.

"Trevoor slow downn!" Phobe yelled from the back seat, grabbing onto the roof, trying to find something to grab on.

"Noo! I'm enjoying this man!" Podcast yelled back, laughing out loud.


Trevor took a left, past a stop sign with the "S" missing. Podcast and Phoebe leaned towards the front. They drove past an alley where some trash cans have been munched on. There was blue ectoplasm left behind on them.

"Can you stop breathing in my ear" Trevor annoyingly asked podcast and that made me laugh.

"No" Podcast responded, refusing.

"Hey! Why are you laughing!" Trevor smiled looking at me.

Trevor braked to a stop and was shocked to see a ghost.

"Oh my fucking god, what should we do?" Trevor panicked.

"We should get him" Podcast suggested.
He inadvertently triggered the gunner seat and Phoebe was moved outside the car.

"Oh no" You commented, getting out the car and grabbing your proton pack and tried shooting him.

"No Y/n!" Trevor yelled as a ghost caugh you by your leg and took you across the street.

Trevor grabbed his proton pack immediately, shooting the ghost, running to you.

"Oh my god Y/n" He breathed heavily, scared if you were okay.

"My leg, my leg" Y/n groaned as she looked at it.

"EW! " Phoebe & Podcast said in the same time, looking at your broken ankle.

"Shut up you fuckers" Trevor responded, grabbing you into a bridal style carrying you back.


"Ouchie!" You yelled as Phoebe helped bandaging your leg.

Trevor grabbed your hand, calming you down leaving soft feverish kisses over your knuckles.

"It's going to be okay"He commented, looking at your leg.

Phobe put a boot on your leg, writing her name.

Both of them signed your cast.

"Phoebe <3"
"Trevor :)"


"Heyy Y/n" Lucky chuckled while knocking on the door frame, she got some burgers from the spinners dinner.

"Get out" Trevor said getting up from his chair.

"Whoa dude i just wanted to give you some burgers" Lucky resonded backing away.

She handed him the burgers and left.

"Its okay Trev, im fine" you smiled, moving hair off his face.

"No you're not and it's my fault, i shouldn't have brought you with me, no more ghost hunting for you" Trevor said in a sad tone, peering at you with his doe brown eyes.

"Noo trevoor" You whined making a sad face.

"Okay maybe"
A/n: ty for requesting, hopefully this is what you meant

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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