Chapter X - The Redwood Reaper

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Back to the remaining 7 at the woodland, they were all woken up by something unsettling, very unsettling.

"Now what in tarnation is that?." Jimmy wondered, A tree toppled down and a cackle was heard nearby.
Another bash was heard, and so was a chirp, but not a little bird chirp, of course.

"What the hell?" Jodie got up and walked towards the noises, everyone else followed, but no one had noticed that Jordan or Tony were missing.

A shriek was heard, and then a struggle, silence, and several stampeding gallimimus

"Oh my god it's just like Jurassic park when they hid behind that log when they saw the-."

"Shut up Dan, these ones are actually realistic anyway, so not really-"

"Stop bickering and hide behind a tree." Jodie pulled the two to a side.

"Like, dude! We've totes gotta figure out why they're skidaddlin' on us like that no kizzy!" Brodie spun his cap from backwards to sideways. "No more cool dude! Game mode has been activated!"

"This is serious." Millie stopped him "Please act normally."

"Dudette! Are you like, stepping on my style right now? That's so uncool! This is just who I am! And you can't change that!"

"Please be quiet, I'm having an anxiety attack." Ned snorted.

"It's a ceratosaurus." Greg stopped peaking out of the huge redwood tree and turned back to the others. It was the very same ceratosaurus TJ had created earlier, how had it grown that large so quickly?

"Do you think that ones new?" Jodie asked "because I don't remember seeing a ceratosaurus last time about."

"That doesn't matter, what does matter is that we've got to get moving, it's distracted eating that gallimimus so we can get away right now." Greg replied

"Ok but I've got to take a picture." Jodie got out her camera, but it was snatched out of her hands by Brodie

"Trust me, I'm the best with taking photos, just watch how epic this pic will be!" Brodie snapped the camera, but the flash was on, and that seemed to of caught the theropod's attention.

"Great going Brodie, care to give me the camera back now?"

"Sorry bro!.. here's the camera."

"WHO CARES ABOUT THE CAMERA? RUN!" Danny was about to book it but Greg grabbed his arm.
"Shh, I'm the expert on theropods here let ME do the leading."

A herd of triceratops was spotted in the distance of the redwood, just between that and the grassland.

"This way." He whispered, and everyone followed.

The ceratosaurus began to sniff, it had picked up the scent of them and saw everyone as a threat, so it wasn't going to let them get away easily.

Every now and again, they would've had to pause and creep behind a tree, and then peak out of it to see where the dinosaur was. The grassland was in distance, if they ran for it now, they could've hid in with the herd and made it out, and so they did. Well everyone except Jodie, Jimmy and Greg.

"NO, DON'T... DAN! YOU IDIOT- umm, keep sneaking from tree to tree I've got to go and save my brother."

"Well I'm going to come with you otherwise I'll look like a coward!" Said Jodie


"Yeah go you two! Imma just, stay here..."

Greg and Jodie made the run to rescue everyone else, but for Greg it was just Danny.

It charged like a rhinoceros would and then swept its head in hope to catch someone with it, but there was no look. They were approaching the triceratops herd and were getting very close.

"They really should've just kept sneaking..." Jodie sighed, as when the horned-herbivores noticed the horned-carnivore, they ran.

Greg made a jump for it and grabbed Danny in his arms, merely rolling out of the dinosaur's reach. "You little IDIOT, ALWAYS do what I do , okay? You could've died right then and there!"

"Well I saw the opportunity and-"

"Didn't expect the trikes to run? It's in their nature! What you think ones going to step up and fight?"

"Look behind you, that is exactly what one is doing right now."

"Of course."

Meanwhile, Jodie had grabbed Ned by the arm and taken him back safely too.

"Thanks... I'm going to have to tell my therapist about this when I get home, for sure."

The alpha triceratops was standing it's ground in order to protect the retreating herd. Circling the ceratosaurus very carefully.

"Oh no bro!" Said Brodie as he watched Millie be bashed and crunched on by the dinosaur before him, he noticed Jodie, Greg, Ned and Dan all hiding in a bush behind him, and he made a run.

The ceratosaur brushed the rest of Millie's remains to the side, because at this point it just couldn't ignore the three-horned beast menacingly staring at it, so it had to save Millie for later as well as letting Brodie escape to everyone else and for Jimmy to catch up with them.

"Great, just great another one is dead." Greg whispered. "We're going to have to get all those medical stuff from her corpse if we're going to want to survive out here, follow mine and Jodie's lead."

"Someone has just died and you don't care? That was traumatising for me! I'm 12!"

"Exactly lil' dude, no cap!"

"Guys please don't talk about this in-front of me I'm getting really agitated, thanks." Ned slurred.

"We've experienced worse as sad as it is to admit."

"Oh yeah I forgot about that."

Then, Jodie and Greg took off, the other four  steadily crouch-walking beside them.

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