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1- How old did gus just turn this month on April 4th?
(a) 12
(d) 13
2- Who named RYdeL and why did they pick the name Rydel ?
(a) Mark, it was his mother's name.
(b) Stormie, her favorite movie is 'Grease' and the high school is called 'Rydell High'
(c) Mamoo(Stormie's mom), Got the name from Stormie's favorite movie 'Grease' where the high school is called 'Rydell High'.
3- When is Mark and Stormie's wedding anniversary ?
(a) September 10th
(b) January 5th
(c) September 23rd
(d) August 23rd
4- If Riker was a girl and was named Madison what would the others get as possible names starting with 'M' (so Rydel is the only boy. )
5- R5 ARE GONNA HAVE KIDS IN HERE. SO SEND IN BIOS OF YOURSELG TO DATE/MARRY THEM. (Choices will be made at a later time.)
6-I need someone to help me with ideas. If you want to. Message me.



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