Love Ain't

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Bucky finds Y/N bawling her eyes out one night in front of the compound after her boyfriend ditched her. Bucky decides to show her how a man should treat his girl and Bucky finally admits his feelings.

Warnings: some angst, fluffy fluff, soft Bucky (I think he needs it)

A/N: I think if Bucky owned a vehicle it would definitely be a '69 Mustang

Song inspired (some lyrics will be used) Love Ain't Eli Young Band

Hotels are made for two night stays
Checkin' in and out
Meetin' strangers in the lobby
Wakin' up and leavin' town
The next day
But love ain't

"I'm so sorry baby, I forgot it's our anniversary I'll make it up to you tomorrow I swear"

"Tomorrow isn't our anniversary! Tonight is! You always do this!!!"

"Don't yell at me" your boyfriend starts to get angry making you let out a watery laugh. "We're done Goodbye" You let out a broken sob as you drop to the ground not caring about your new dress.

"Love ain't you on a sidewalk in your new dress all alone"

"Doll?" Bucky asks softly placing his hand on your shoulder. "Oh, hi Bucky" you rub at your eye "What are you doing out here? I thought it was your anniversary" You make a face.

"But love ain't"

"Where is he?" "With his friends, I broke up with him" "Finally" "What?" "Sorry me, Sam and Steve hated him, wasn't treating you right princess" You blush at the nickname.

The way you're talkin' sounds like he's somebody you should hate
I may not know what love is girl, but I know what love ain't
Come over, let me show you what he can't
'Cause he can only show you what love ain't

"Come on, let's go get you cleaned up, I'll change and I'm taking you on a date. Show you how you should be treated" You nod letting him help you up. You walk back into the compound hand in hand. "Go fix your makeup and give me 15 minutes then we can head out" You smile "Thank you Bucky" "No problem Princess" he walks off, you turn head to your room. 5 minutes later you emerge back into the common room to the whistles of the team.

"You man is lucky Y/N!" Clint shouts as Kate nods. "Ex man, I broke up with him he wanted to go out with his friends and ditch our anniversary. So Bucky is taking me out" "FINALLY" Sam and Steve shout In unison.

Tony laughs "Maybe he will finally spill his feeling for you" "he's just being nice Tony" "he likes you Y/N I mean who wouldn't" Sam smiles.

That sad song it was written
Just to try and get your heart to break
But love ain't

"You ready doll?" Bucky walks out dress in a nice suit. Your mouth drops open "Oh y-yeah I'm ready" the team laughs Bucky extends his arm to you. You take it and he leads you out to his mustang.

"We had reservations at Y/F/R for 8pm" Bucky checks his phone "We have half an hour, perfect"

I wonder what he's doing
(Love ain't) feelin' like a fool and
(You can't)
Keep lettin' him do it to you, uh

Bucky pulls up to the restaurant and before you have you seatbelt off, Bucky is pulling your door open and offering you his hand. You softly thank him, his hand lays on the small of your back as you walk into the restaurant.

"Reservation for Y/L/N" The hostess nods and leads you both back to your table. Bucky (again) being an absolute gentleman, he pulls your chair out and pushes it in. A blush forms over your cheeks at his sweetness. The waiter comes over and you both order, he nods leaving you both alone again.

"Thank you Bucky, you didn't have to do this. I was just going to climb into bed and watch sappy romcoms with a gallon of ice cream" He chuckles "thank you for a new date idea" you look at him puzzled but decide to brush it off. The dinner was perfect, once he pays (he wouldn't let you) he leads you back out to his car, deciding to make a spontaneous stop at Coney Island. You both rush through the crowds giggling up a storm he leads you to the Ferris wheel and you both climb on, quiet until it reaches the top.

I may not know what love is girl, but I know what love ain't

"Y/N, I like you. You showed me love the moment I joined the team, spar with me, make sure I eat, hold me after a nightmare. I want to show you what love is, you deserve the world and I want to give it to you" You gasp, mind racing because of what just happened. "Please, let me show you" "Okay, I like you too, that's why I dated that jerk. Just to get my mind off you." "I'm glad your mine now doll" He leans over and presses his lips into yours. "Thank you for giving me a chance Y/N"

Come over, let me show you what he can't
'Cause he can only show you what love ain't
Love ain't (love ain't) yeah yeah
(Love ain't) love ain't

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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