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As I finished getting dressed for school I grabbed a quick breakfast and grabbed my bag walking out the door.
"Alright y'all let's go!"I said seeing Kelly and solange come down stairs " Beyoncé why are we yelling in my damn house!" My dad said.

" So your big headed kids will hear me so we can go I'm not trynna be late today pops" I said. " What Beyoncé not wanting to be late for school what's the cause of this" . Before I could say anything "A GIRLLLLLL" Kelly screamed and I just stared at her . " a girl huh Beyoncé" Julia said to me and I just walked out not wanting to be bothered by this .

I could barely pay attention due to me being bored and Tasha constantly yapping at the mouth "will this bitch shut up for once god please let this bell ring pleaseeee" I said it was like god heard my cry as the bell finally rung. I was on my own to find my second period I was still getting used to the school and where to go so I just wandered around the halls until I found my class .

The bell ring indicating that it was time for Lunch So I went to find Kelly and solo . I turned noticing Onika out of corner of her eye and I mouthed hi .

Nicki saw bey and her sisters and happily walked over to sit down next to Beyoncé . "Hi!" Nicki says excitedly with her headphones on since it was kind of loud in the cafeteria. "Hey nika" bey says before Lauren spots her sister and runs over ."Nika bear what are you doing in the cafeteria it's to loud in here" Lauren says full of concern. Lauren locks eyes with bey and points her

"friend" Nicki says softly with a pout Lauren hates to see Lauren looks up at Beyoncé and raises her eyebrow before sitting down with her sister. "You needed her or something ?" Lauren asked nika and she nods with a smile.

Kelly comes back and sits down at the table " hello I'm onika Tanya maraj" Nicki say with a giggle looking at Kelly. "Hey Onika I'm Kelly how are you doing pumpkin" . "I-I ok" Nicki says putting her middle finger up "no! Nika we don't do that" Lauren yelled my her sister ears cringe "Sorry stink" Lauren said putting her finger down making.

"Why lo" nika says " because that not a good finger stink okay ?" She asked Nicki . " otay sissy"

Hey y'all three ladies came to sit down . " who are these sexy things at are table" kehlani says . " This is my friends bey bey , K-Kelly , and sol-ange . Onika says before looking around the cafeteria giving her attention to something else in the distance.

"Oh well I'm kehlani and this is Toni , robyn , and normani" she says to me "nice to meet you" I said to them but I felt eyes burning into the back of my head " umm you staring at my sister why ?" solange said this girl and her attitude.

"Y'all wanna be her friend why? You trynna get something out of it?" Lauren growls out angrily at the three women ."Nah fam listen we just moved her she nice to us and I like being here so we here is there a problem with that? " I said truthfully "Nah as long as your don't start acting weird with her or whatever" Toni said " I ain't trying to be a smart ass but if I didn't wanna be friends with her best believe we wouldn't be here" Beyoncé said ." Alright alright we don't want no trouble but You know She has autism right?" Robyn asks and bey nods. "My cousin had Autism "Beyoncé "oh we're is your cousin now " Lauren asks curious.


Beyoncé says just thinking about it makes her mad all over again ."oh I-I'm sorry to her that" Toni says . " it's all good" . Our lil cousin dame had Autism , he was just a little boy innocently playing with his toys and he got shot outside of his apartment .

"Oh well Listen I'm being serious as a heart attack you better not hurt my big sister she clearly takes her friendships seriously and gets attached way to fast for her own good if you don't want to be her friend please leave now" Lauren says sternly

"Like I said If we didn't want to be her friend We would've walked away a long time ago kid". Beyoncé said getting a call from her phone ."excuse me for a sec" she said excusing herself from the table walking into the hallway.

" hello " i said
"Beyonce "
"Megan hey wassup" I said hearing an old friend down in new york. " girl its Ashley child" she said make me a lil worried. " wassup with Ashley Megan " I asked

"Ashley cheated on you with Terrell bey" she said making my blood boil "Cheated on me with Terrell from the Latin kings she cheated on me wit that nigga!" Me and Terrell don't get along at all especially not after him killing my moms in hands . " bey calm down please I don't need you getting all hyped up " Megan asked " hell nah that Biggs got a death wish Fr "


"Bey bey were you go" I heard a soft voice say making me calm down. "Listen Megan we will talk later alright tell mama I said hey" I said walking over to the smaller figure who was still looking for me."alright bey ttyl " she said hanging up making me sigh.

" bey whats wrong" Nika asked me . "Nothing princess you ok?" I asked her since she was shivering. " I-I cold bb help me " she said so I took my hoodie off . When I looked up I saw her staring at my stomach . "You have a-abs bb" she said as I felt a pair of hands trying to go up my shirt. " wow babygirl what are you doing" I asked.

" I've never s-seen s-someone's abs before and I wanted to t-touch " she looked up at me with a pout . " how about another time mama take my hoodie and go find your sister I'll be there In a minute okay ?" I said." okay bb" she said as I helped her put on my hoodie before she took off . I grabbed my phone calling Ashley as I walked down the hallway.

"Hey babe!" babe my ass. "Im finna ask you something and tell the truth?" I said "ok ask away" she said through the phone.

" you slept with Terrell " i said . "What baby no I would never" she said "don't baby me Ashley you really slept with him Really " I was beyond pissed she slept with not only my enemy but the nigga who killed my fucking mom. "Baby N-" "Nah Fuck you ,you can have his crusty ass and delete my number while you at it " I hung up walking back to the table.

" bey you ok? You got that look on you face" Solange asked me . That little girl knew me off the back of her hand I couldn't get anything passed her unfortunately. " Im straight just handling business sis" I said trying to drop it .

well this chapter sucks lol

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How y'all feeling about this story should I leave it or delete and come back later?

hope y'all having a better day than I am!

anyways love you ❤️(sorry for any errors)

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