With all I've got.

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daniel rubbed my back as I sat on the bathroom floor sobbing, Liam was currently pacing the bathroom and cursing like no tomorrow.

"I'm gonna fucking hurt him so bad!" Liam growled.

"Babe you already knocked him out" daniel assured him, and he continued to pace.

"niall baby, you need to let him go.." She said softly. Those words only made me cry harder.

Daniel enveloped me in her small arms and cradled me.

"I-I really thought he was for real" I sobbed and just then the door slammed open and there standing in the doorway was Zayn.

"You stay the fuck away from niall or I'd be more then happy to knock you out again" Liam paced up to Zayn with his fist curled.

"Please let me talk to him" Zayn sounded like he was on the verge of tears. While Liam tried his best to get Zayn out of the bathroom I hid my face in the crook of Daniels neck and continued to cry.i can't take this no more.

"Can you tell Liam to just let Zayn talk.." I whispered to daniel.

"Liam!" Daniel yelled. "Niall says let him talk" she gestured to Zayn.

" are you sure?" Liam said softly. And I responded with a small nod, and Liam moved out of the way of Zayn but stayed close.

" don't go any closer" Liam growled. Zayn was only a foot away.

"Niall?" Zayns voice wavered and I slowly showed my face. There were still small tears spilling out of my eyes.

"Oh my god, Niall I'm so sorry, Harry and Louis gave me something and tricked me, please believe me" zayn cried.

"But how can I believe you when you broke your promise" I said in a shaky voice. That only made zayn Cover his mouth in disbelief.

"You did more then break your promise, you promised to protect me and not let anybody hurt me but you hurt me yourself!" I said upset, the pain was obvious in my voice. Zayn stayed quiet a for a while and then spoke up.

"Because I-i think I love you" his voice was solid but you could tell he wanted to cry. Zayn scooted closer and hesitantly lifted my chin so he could look into my watery eyes.

"Because I love you" he said realizing it himself. My breath hitched and my heart beat faster. I didn't know what to say. I was speachless and I looked into zayns calming brown eyes.

"Please believe me.." Zayn said as a small tear escaped the corner of his eye. I scanned his eyes looking for a lie but all I saw was love. If that was even possible and I laughed a little at the thought and crashed my lips to his. It's was actually a gentle passionate kiss, as if he were putting all he had into the kiss. I pulled back still laughing a little and wiped my tears away.

"I love you to Zayn" and I kissed him back with all I had, the best kiss ever, I thought. We both pulled away smiling like retards oblivious to Daniel and Liam standing in the corner looking dumbfounded.

"I am a fucking retard and I'm sorry, okay? I'm gonna go fucking beat up Harry and Louis to pulp for doing that to me, I'm just sorry and I'll gain your trust back no matter how long it takes" he said looking straight into my eyes.

"Your gonna beat up who to a pulp?" Harry and Louis came into the bathroom laughing.

Zayn tensed up in anger and got up ready to throw a punch.

"What the fuck did you give me!" Zayn yelled with his fist raised.

"calm down bro, we just saved your reputation. It was mixed with some drugs, no biggie" Louis shrugged.

"no biggie?! That was fucking immature, I don't not care about my rep what so ever!!"' Zayn yelled and pushed Louis against the wall roughly. And Liam did the same to Harry.

"Well If you weren't such a fag then I would have backed off!" Harry growled. That was it for Zayn. He threw his first punch and Liam saw that as a sign and punched Louis in the stomach. All the while I stood up and me being dumb tried to stop the fight but got puched in the face by Harry. I stumbled back a they all still fought. Daniel pulled me to the corner with her and checked my face where a small bruise was beginning to appear on my cheek.

"It all good" I waved her off and she nodded.

"What is all this!" The principle barged into the bathroom and broke up both the fights.

"Here we go" I sighed.


Still nialls p.o.v

Well we got suspended for two weeks but hey no school right?. We both began to walk to my house because it's closer and we decided to walk to school this morning. We walked in an awkward yet comfortable silence. And finally made it to my house. I walked inside and pulled Zayn up stairs to the bathroom and got a cloth and wet it since the first aid kit was already packed. Zayn sat himself on the toilet while I gently wiped the blood off his face and knuckles.

"Will you stop staring at me" I mumbled while concentrating on his cut.

"Why can't I look at my cute boyfriend" Zayn smirked. I was a little ticked off but the comment made me smile anyways.

"Zayn, why'd you just decide to embarrass me in front of everyone?" I went serious.


"Don't" I said cutting him off

"Harry and Louis mixed drugs in with weed and I got out of control and basically did everything they said, niall i already said sorry" Zayn sighed.

"Well that doesn't fix how bad you actually hurt me.." I dropped the cloth and looked down.

"Niall I was on drugs, I didn't know what I was doing. Your not a dumb blonde, your fucking adorable and I think your smart and sexy" Zayn laughed a little at the end. I still looked at the ground, the tiling seemed more interesting then ever right now.

"Niall" Zayn said lifting my head. "I love you and that's all that matters" he said leaning in for a slow soft kiss.

"Let's go to bed I'm tired" Zayn said and we walked over to my now plain room and stripped to our boxers and jumped in bed. Once the lights were off all I could hear was his steady breaths and I began to overthink. I thought about all the scary movies I watched and eventually I thought I started to hear and see them through the darkness of my room.

"Zayn?" I said in a small voice.

"Yah babe?" He said in groggy voice.

"I'm scared" I said shakily. Zayn rolled over and wrapped in arms around my torso and put his mouth close to my ear.

"If it makes you feel better I can't sleep in the dark either but now that your hear I feel safe" he said truthfully.

"As soon as your here all my fears disappear and I feel okay" his voice sending chills down my back.

"You fought off my fears, now I'll fight off yours" he said and hugged me tighter.

"Deal" I said and placed my hand on his. Eventually I calmed down listening to his steady breaths and fell asleep.


Awe how cute.

I know Zayn left the band but I will still continue with the story.

Remeber to vote peeps

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