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"Okay, okay buddy." Korn uplifted a drunk customer.  "It's time to go, " He walked the man to the glass doors of the bar and when he was coherent enough to walk on his own, Korn then officially closed the building by locking the door behind him and putting up the neon closed sign. 

"How much did that guy even drink?" Wai appears from the back carrying a washcloth around his shoulder and a bucket in his hands. 

"I don't know, tonight was so busy. We need to hire new staff or something. Damn." 

 It was still new for the two to be hanging out as acquaintances... friends even. As the saying goes, 'old habits die hard'; Korn and Wai sometimes find themselves in heated arguments but it always results in one walking away from the other to cool down. Their petty fights have never been enough to break up their business together. 

Korn pulls out a chair, the wooden furniture creaked along the floor as he sat down and simply watched as Wai washed the tables down, muscles flexing with each swipe. Korn looked at his own biceps, thinking how he needed to get back into the gym. 

The latter looked at the clock. 3:15am. 

"What are you doing after?" 

"Going to see that girl I told you about." 

"Oh," Korn smirked devilishly. "At 3 am? Are you going to...?" He gave inappropriate gestures earning a laugh from his coworker. 

"I don't know." Wai moved to another table, "we haven't really done that yet. I'm taking it slow, I really like her." 

"Wow. So it's serious this time?" 

"Not sure." Wai pondered out loud. "Hey! Are you going to sit there and be nosy or are you going to help?" 

Reluctantly, Korn got up from his break and went to the back to grab a broom and dustpan. "I'll help you go to your little girlfriend don't worry." 

They were on opposite sides of the room, lazily doing their own chores but something shifted as they looked up and made eye contact. Wai glared at Korn, Korn glared at Wai and suddenly they were rushing around the bar, cleaning in a frenzy. 

They were racing. 

Wai scrubbed the tables furiously while Korn swept the four corners of the small building strategically, making sure not to miss too much. 

"Done!" They both yelled simultaneously. 

"No, I was done first." Wai was out of breath, his shirt was wet from all the water splashing around as he rushed around. 

"No no no, I said I was finished before you did." 

"We said it at the same time you dumbass, but I finished first so I won." 

"Do you wanna replay it on the cameras bitch?" 

"In fact, I do." Wai huffed. They're only playing in good fun but they both have a temper that throws things into an unbalanced proportion. "There." He pointed towards some broken glass on the floor. "You missed that spot, I won." 

Korn growled in defeat. "Whatever." He grabbed the broomstick and swept the small mess. "Cleaning tables is so much easier than sweeping. There's all these damn chairs in the way and stuff." 

Wai just grabbed the bar keys with that stupid cute smile on his face, His victory smile. As the man walked towards the exit, he suddenly felt himself hit the ground with a thud.

"Fuck!" He cussed, much to Korn's amusement. "Who dropped alcohol all over here?"

"You're so dumb sometimes I swear. Here let me help you" Korn set aside the cleaning supplies and made his way over to Wai. Turns out he too was also dumb, the moment he reached his coworker he slipped and fell on top of Wai, bumping their heads in the process.

They chorused "ow's" in unison before turning into a hysterically giggly mess.

"This is all your fault." Wai accused in between chuckles.

"How the fuck!?"

"Didn't you sweep, how did you miss a spill this big? You need some damn glasses."

The two tried to help each other up and only managed to slip against each other fruitfully. At this point, they resembled some of their drunkard regulars.

"Get away from me! You're making me fall and shit."

Korn huffed at Wai's statement and grabbed onto the bar beside him, helping himself up with ease. "Was that so hard?"

Wai dramatically tried the same thing, accidentally bumping into Korn on the way up. Their chests pressed against each other and Korn's strong hands snaked around Wai's waist quickly to prevent another fall.

Wai's breath hitched in surprise and he looked up at Korn curiously.

His body shivered immediately, the reason unknown to him. A blush crept up his neck as Korn pressed another hand to his front, steadying him. 

"Are you okay now?" He was smug.

Wai couldn't speak. His heart was beating too fast, and he wasn't sure why exactly he was reacting in such a way. The two were close, way too close. The man looked at Korn, studying him. He was handsome, very handsome in fact. From his bushy brows to his pink lips, he wasn't bad-looking. He was strong too. Wai could feel the strength from the grip on his body.

"What are you-" Korn quieted once he saw the look on Wai's face. "Wai?" He let go and Wai returned to normal.

"Sorry." They separated. "Thanks, I'll um, mop this up tomorrow."

As they went their separate ways, Wai's mind was still on Korn. He was frozen in place the moment Korn touched him, maybe it was the fact that it was almost 4 am, they both were tired. He was tired. Why did everything feel so... intimate? 

He made his way to a familiar house and knocked on the door lightly. 

It didn't take long for the woman inside to swing the door open, yawning cutely. "I'm sorry." Her hair was up in a bun, her pajamas had fit her loosely showing some skin here and there. " I fell asleep waiting for you." 

Wai's girlfriend... well almost girlfriend stepped aside to let him in.

"I'm sorry I'm so late, I know you need to get up for work in a couple of hours." 

She waved him off and went to her bedroom where he followed, taking off his sweater. 

"You smell like booze." She giggled. 

The scent was all over him, to be fair, he did work in a bar. He gave an apologetic look. "Do you need me to shower?" 

"No, it's alright. Just come sleep, I need to leave soon remember?" 

He took off his shirt as well, happy to get in beside her but for some reason, his mind was still on Korn. Even when she pressed her soft hands against his chest and kissed alongside his neck. It didn't feel as comforting as Korn's assertive hands on his body. He wondered how kissing Korn would feel... 

Would he be aggressive? The same amount of aggression as when he's fighting, or would he be gentle? A different side that Wai has never seen before. 

"Hey." Wai was brought back to reality, realizing that Lemon was being a little more touchy than usual. She wanted to go further. 

"You need rest." He grabbed her hand which was traveling south. She looked stunned, embarrassed. He felt embarrased, he was never one to stop himself from getting laid but he just couldn't do it. Not when all he could think about was his former enemy. 


To make up for his rejection, he kissed her forehead and cuddled her into his arms as they fell asleep. Much to his dismay, even his dreams were about that annoying man.

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