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He kissed him.

Holy fuck, Wai kissed Korn!

In his dreams of course. Wai didn't remember much, his dream was hazy, murky, but he did remember the taste of Korn's soft lips on his. His tongue slid in, demanding for more. His bartender's hands dug into Wai's pale thighs.

Wai woke up startled, gripping his body with fright. Disgusted.

"Why that asshole!?" He yelled in frustration.

Lemon was already gone for work, so he left her a small note by the bed, something he's been doing since she first allowed him in her apartment, and went on with his day making sure her door was locked beforehand.

Wai didn't clock into work until 8 that evening, thankfully Korn didn't have to come in until before the bar actually opened that night. Which meant around ten... perhaps eleven, thankfully. He eyes the spot where the dreadful spill laid scornfully.

"It's your fault." He murmured with a sulk, going to the supply closet.

Wai busied himself by mopping the building, restocking cups as well as other things, going over inventory in storage twice- just to make sure and finally settled himself with a glass of his favorite alcoholic drink. It was obvious who was the neater one out of the two. Wai had picked up habits from being friends with Pran for so long, habits he's become grateful for.

He learned how being tidy makes his life easier, he also realized love a man who knows how to clean after themselves.

"Ha! I caught you drinking on the job!" Korn's obnoxious voice was loud enough to startle Wai out of his chair, followed by taunting laughter.

"You're a bitch." Wai grumbled, steadying himself. He looked at his watch surprised to see that it was only after nine.

"Kiss my ass."

The word sent a tingling jolt down Wai's spine, and the dream he had successfully forgotten for a couple of hours had come rushing back. "What?"

Korn stood there, confused by his coworker's sudden mood shift. "What?"

"Kiss." Wai practically whispered, finding himself staring at the other man's lips. They were soft in his dream, they were commanding and greedy, they were delicious.

"My ass?" Korn turns around and points to his cute little rounded butt, making Wai blush in embarrassment.

"Why are you acting as you have never drunk on the job?" He changed the subject quickly, ridding his head of his weird thoughts. He poured himself another cup, he was going to need it if Korn kept popping into his mind for the rest of the night.

Perhaps they've been spending too much time together.

That's all.

Wai did his job smoothly for someone who was tipsy though it turns out... The alcohol did not help. In fact, it's only heightened the foreign emotions but he played it off fine, serving people their orders and stopping bar fights between the university kids as normal. 

Wai ignored the way his breath hitched when Korn touched his body slightly as their paths crossed.

He paid no attention to how Korn's smile was ever so radiant. Wai was practically blinded by the other man's smile. It was different from the sexy smirk he always wore.

Not that Wai found his smirk sexy. Or anything about Korn for that matter. He was handsome. Not sexy at all.

Dudes can find other dudes handsome without it being weird.

"We should drink after work tonight?" The Devil himself clapped a hand on Wai's shoulders, surprising him as he served a customer some beers.


"Yeah, we haven't really hung out just the two of us. Without you know... Pat and Pran."

Now, why does Korn want to hang out alone? Wai narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"I want to get to know you more, that's all."

Did Korn read his mind!?

With a sheepish smile, Wai shrugged the other's hands off. "I have plans."

"With the girlfriend?"

"Not my girlfriend yet but yes, I'm planning on seeing her." Lies. Wai's only plans were to go home and sleep.

"I'm guessing last night went well then."

No, in fact, it did not go well considering all Wai could think and dream about was the bothersome oaf in front of him.

Korn didn't stop asking despite Wai's rejection. He pestered him to no end, following him to each table. "Please na~ just one drink." Wai rolled his eyes and continued working. Didn't Korn work there as well? Why was he acting like he had nothing to do? Wai lasted another hour or so, acting as if his coworker was simply invisible. Eventually, he was worn down. 

"Fine! I'll have just one drink with you. Now get off my back you annoying-" 

"You two are fighting still?" A familiar voice chimed in. 

Both men looked up to see Pran staring at them with an amused smile. 

He looked good, well he always looked good, but for some reason that night he was glowing. His smile radiated warmth and happiness. His hair was parted in the middle which he claimed made him look mature, more professional but he didn't look a day older than he did Senior year of college. Pran was dressed in a black button-up, though it was technically a button-down. The first three buttons were spread apart revealing his smooth tanned chest and even a glimpse of his nipple depending on how he was standing. The shirt ended up tucked into black slacks completing his look. 

"How did Pat even let you go out like that!?" Korn whistled as he took in Pran's appearance. "You look fucking hot." 

Even though Wai knew Korn was just hyping their friend up, he could feel disappointment creep up his spine. Yeah, Pran did look really sexy. 

"Would you leave my wife alone?" Pat appeared beside them, soaking in Pran's attire as well. "Didn't I tell you to cover up in the car?" 

"Who the fuck is your wife hmm?" To prove a point, the hotheaded Architect undid a forth button. 

Instead of getting angry, as Pran had challenged, it amused Pat. His eyes lit up as he watched his boyfriend practically unrobe in the bar. 

"Will you guys be up for a threesome anytime soon?" Korn threw in before dodging away from Pat who reached out to smack him. 

"Will you guys stand and flirt in the middle of my bar or are you going to purchase some drinks?" Wai scolded the three of them. The men shut and each pulled out a chair from the nearest table and sat down. "Not you dumbass, go get that table's orders." 

"Yes, dear." Korn joked before getting up to actually do his job and Wai shook his head holding back a laugh. 

The couple looked at each other knowingly, smirking secretly before telling their friend the usual drinks they ordered. 


It was 4am, after the bar had just closed. Wai had just finished locking the door, and as he turned around Korn was already sitting with two wine glasses dangling from his fingers, and a bottle of their most popular drink sitting down unopened. 

"You're quick." Wai snorted. 

"Take a seat, let's get drunk!" 

"I can't get too wasted. I'm driving." 

Korn rolled his eyes before pouring Wai a full glass anyway, muttering how he was such a party pooper. 

Six glasses and two hours later, Wai was staring at Korn with glossy eyes, and suddenly... he kissed him. 

Well, that escalated. How yall doin

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