Chapter One

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Compared to those who lived in it, I have a very minimal understanding of the world before. However, I have done extensive research into one particular example to get an impression of how this might affect people on an individual level. The province of South Dakota was a great stretch of sparsely inhabited prairie, landlocked in a massive country called the United States of America. After more than a decade of tectonic shifting, it had half of a city inside it, a place that was once called Hong Kong. These two worlds collided, and coexistence was a messy affair, yet a necessity. Eventually, this area became the capital of Alogos.

For those of us who don't live in the past, this jarring experience would be like if Syltaer was plopped in the heartland of Cremsillian. Can you imagine the chaos? Two entirely different sets of economic, governmental, and cultural structures like that, mashed together. It is very difficult for us, now that the tectonic shift has mostly ceased, to imagine what it would be like.

In the year 2076, Earth was different both geographically and technologically than it was before. Despite this new era, problems of the past echo, taking new shape, but retaining the same weight. I happen to have lived in the basement of some of the most important people involved in these conflicts, and while relaying the familiar story of what they did, I will be adding some insight into who they were.


Chapter One

June 12th, 2254.

Vesta would have been much happier if she did not cling to comfort. Literally, she clung to her black jacket; the warm temperature at sunset made her sweat, yet she refused to take it off. It was tradition for her to wear it into combat.

There must have been a reason why the soldiers were fleeing their camp. The headlights of their convoy were seen from hundreds of meters down the road. Vesta planned to raid the outpost with everyone still in it, but she had to pull over by the side of the road to reconsider the wrench in her plans. With few other options, she walked into the middle of the road and turned her back to the oncoming vehicles.

She heard the screeching of brakes followed by yelling from the intercom. "Fuck out the road!"

Vesta turned around and walked towards the first truck. The driver opened his door and stepped out. Vesta reached into her jacket, drew a pistol, and pulled the trigger.

Her opposition was meek: three soldiers in the back and one in the passenger seat, each with a rifle. The second truck had stopped far behind, out of shooting range. Both vehicles had elevated wheels and were covered in taut canvas.

Immediately, two peeled out of the driver's side back seat. Vesta landed a shot on one, but wasted four more on the car door behind which another was hiding. The sound of shuffling boots spooked her into action.

The space under the truck was just enough; Vesta tucked and rolled under. She emerged on the right side, just as two of the soldiers had moved to the front bumper. They were surprised, and had no time to react when the sound of three gunshots rang. Both fell to the ground as Vesta stood up, seeking her last target. Her ears focused after the ringing of the gunshots faded. She heard the shuffling of feet and equipment, creeping around the rear of the vehicle.

Vesta dashed to the front of the car, where she was opposite of her target. The hood caved slightly under her boot, but it held. She pushed off her back foot and moved up to the roof of the truck. Vesta had the element of surprise, but there was a problem. She pulled the trigger with the last soldier in her sights, but her gun clicked.

With her right hand, she threw her pistol at the enemy's head. With her left hand, she withdrew her next pistol and fired one more shot. She ducked, anticipating more enemies.

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