Down With the Mafia! The Hooded Girl And Bow-Wearing Girl Help Save the Day!

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 ❄️Chapter 1❄️

Down With the Mafia! The Hooded Girl And Bow-Wearing Girl Help Save the Day!

When wandering into a new dimension, Bella always said that it's important to stick with people you trust. Trust is key in getting around new dimensions, otherwise you're just as lost as a soul whose fate's been sealed by god only knows what. Dawn's been to a couple dimensions with Bella and the other members of her family. But this was the first one she'd gone on alone. Hat Kid idly looked around. Her expression looked idle— at first, yeah. But Dawn could see the underlying worry she was trying to mask. The only question was: how much worry was she masking?

Dawn didn't want to think about it. So she started another conversation with the girl. "Hey- Hat Kid, was it?" Hat Kid looked up at Dawn as she lightly skipped her feet along the orangeish-hazelnut tiled concrete. "Yeah. That's right." Hat Kid pepped with a childish grin. "What's your home town or uh- home planet like? Is it any different from here in any way shape or form?" Hat Kid kept lightly skipping, her brown boots scuffing the colorful concrete. "Hm— uh... not exactly sure on how to describe it but-!" Then- without warning; two big goons were thrown in front of them. All beaten up by a girl in a hood, Hat Kid was taken aback. So was Dawn as the girl widened her eyes before she darted off! Just like that! "Wah- Hey, Wait! STOP!" Dawn ran after the girl with the hood. "Come on Hat Kid! Let's go! Maybe she can help!" Hat Kid gave a determined nod, following soon after. Around the bend the girls gave chase to the girl in the hood. They hooked through the alleyway and passed two big guys... Mafia members(?) talking about a tv show as Hat Kid blew her tongue at them in the most childish way possible. Dawn wanted to chuckle but was more focused on what was going on. Hat Kid bounced herself on top of a red vault. Flipping off of it which Dawn was impressed by. Dawn followed Hat Kid's lead as they passed by a really eerie guy in a cloak? A Badge Seller(?) Dawn wasn't sure as she shook her head. There was no time for badges! They needed help.

Following the girl up the rocky ravine, Dawn saw the girl make a jump she was surprised she could make. Hat Kid did the same which made Dawn nervous as she stopped. Hat Kid backtracked as she looked at Dawn. "Come on Dawn! What are you waiting for?" Hat Kid quipped with a hurried tone. Dawn decided to screw it and take a leap. Dawn ALMOST made the jump. Her hands were gripping the wall as she pulled herself up. " PHEW . That was a close one!" Dawn spat out as she continued to run. Soon both of them saw another kid in the distance. A girl with a bright blue bow on her head. The hooded girl saw her as she went onto a bucket, reeling herself up quickly, leaving the newly formed trio on the ground level. "Hey you, down there! Don't think I didn't see you stalking me!" She exclaimed from the top of the tower, the bucket by her side. "Us kids should stick together, not stalk one another! I mean- Maffia town can be a really dangerous place! So Whaddya say, wanna join my little rebellion?" Dawn was astonished that this girl was so confident in what she was doing. But then realized she kind of insulted them in the process. "Uh- HEY! we were not stalking you- okay, we KINDA were but... STILL! Is it not alright to say thanks to the gal who saved our butts like a girlboss back there?" The girl in the hood seemed to grin at the compliment, and then remembered something she wanted to mention. "Oh, by the way!"

She started with. "Did you have anything to do with the junk falling from the sky?" Hat Kid nodded, along with the bow-wearing girl. "Yeah? Yikes, looks like you've got a lot of cleaning up to do, huh?" She curtly said as she looked down on them. "Yeah, that's right." Dawn affirmed. The girl in the hood seemed to think for a moment before she made up her mind. "Tell you what, come up here and I can show you where some of your junk landed!" Dawn was pleased that she'd trusted her gut on this. This girl was going to help Hat Kid get her Time Piece back! The bow-wearing girl noticed a button on the ground. It was connected to a crane that had a platform they could use to get across. She instantly went to it; she looked to be the engineering type. Hat Kid seemed to recognize her. "Bow?!" The girl with the bow, Bow Kid(?) was hugged by Hat Kid upon hearing her name. They looked to be pretty close. "Hat! Glad you're okay!" She exclaimed, grateful that she had found her friend. Dawn smiled at the jubilant reunion, it reminded her how Benjamin would hug her when he was extremely happy to see her after a stressful day and they'd unwind to play video games and talk about what happened. Eventually the ribboned girl took notice of Dawn, her purple-magenta eyes glaring nervously. "Hat, who's this?" Bow Kid asked sheepishly, any trace of excitement guarded. Dawn took a deep breath, she extended her hand out with a friendly grin to ease the distress. "Name's Dawn. Nice to meetcha."

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