Those Eyes

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You were in the center of the room, trying your best to be noticed...without being noticed. 

He noticed you.

But, he wasn't about to give into your bullshit.

"Sit down, Baby," he rumbled, "You're making me antsy."

"But I've been antsy," you whined, "I don't want to sit down."

"I only have a few more emails to answer. You can behave yourself until I'm done, I know you can."

You could, but you didn't want to. 

You'd woken up with an unquenchable thirst from the minute you opened your eyes. You thought you'd get some soft morning sex, but your man was hungry and grumpy so you held off from initiating anything. He went straight to work after breakfast, so you were alone with yourself for hours. You even tried taking care of yourself, but it wasn't enough. Not any of the three times you managed it.

It only left you wanting more, wanting the real thing, wanting him

It was no surprise your hormones shot through the roof the second he walked through the door wearing his crisp suit and tie, looking like model and a meal all in one. You held off from jumping directly on him, but making it well known that you needed some special attention, to which he replied he had a few emails to answer before then.

Which he was still replying to over an hour later.

You weren't about to give up, your brat mode activated. You could have started dinner, but you didn't. You could have found another way to occupy yourself, but you didn't. You could have even just waited patiently, but you refused to be the bigger person and let your neediness rule your actions. Testing the waters once again, you put yourself next to him on the couch, body dangerously close to his, trying not to be too obvious as you squirmed in his general direction. He ignored you as best he could, but your fidgeting and whimpering got to him after just a few minutes.

"_____," he growled, removing his glasses, "If you don't sit still and behave, you are not going to like the consequences."

You looked up at his face with the biggest doe eyes you could muster, your grin made from the devil's cloak, "I think I might like the consequences."

His hand landed on your thigh, squeezing tightly as his face neared yours ominously, "Go to the room and wait. Don't touch yourself."

You bit your lip, eyes still innocent while your voice filled with sin, "Well, Daddy, you're half right."

Without another word or glance in his direction, you hopped up off of the couch and sauntered confidently down the hallway. You didn't even think twice before grabbing your favorite little basic vibrator, grinning wickedly as you turned it on to make sure it had enough charge. Stripping yourself to nothing, you sat on the bed with your back against the fluffy pillows and headboard, teasing yourself in anticipation of the mood you'd created.

You giggled to yourself as you trailed the vibrator around your body, letting it tickle all your favorite sweet spots, your free hand groping and massaging your own breast as your body began to tingle. Your breath picked up pace, your body scattering with goosebumps, a relieved sigh exhaling from your parted lips as you finally pressed the toy to your waiting bud. 

Gods it felt so good.

You knew it wouldn't get you off like you wanted, since the previous three runs hadn't, but you also knew you wouldn't be waiting long before you got the relief you actually needed.

As if on cue, the door opened abruptly just as the first moan left your mouth, your eyes flicking open but your body not even jumping at the expected sound. You looked him in his eyes daringly as he glared at you, fingers still pulling at your taut nipple, other hand drawing lazy circles with the small device. Your legs began to shake as you neared your goal, your whines getting louder as you slipped the vibrator into your leaking slit, your expression daring him to stop you.

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