The Escape (Part 1) ~ Halley's POV

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Breed - Duck Tolling Retriever
Sex - Female
Age - 2 years
Rank - Tracker

Breed - Boxer mix
Sex - male
Age - 5 years
Rank - Taskmaster

Breed - Saluki
Sex - Female
Age - 4 years
Rank - Squad Lead

Another day in the complex, another day of lessons. I don't mind my tasks as a Tracker in the Canis Pack, but I can't help but feel like I'm in the wrong place. I've never even properly met the Alpha. I've seen him once or twice during my early training, but he doesn't seem to make an effort at being friendly. It isn't just that, though. Many of my fellow canines are greedy, and greed destroys. The humans are gone because of such attitude. I was barely a pup when they disappeared, and all I can foresee is our demise in this organization.

I walk across the dim corridor, head low, I'd rather not face a bite from an officer today. Especially not with the ill thoughts I'm having about them and other higher ranking pack members. Perhaps I wouldn't quite escape that, though. My next class is one-on-one fighting. Combat lessons don't usually end up with us on the healers' floor, but it's not an entirely rare occurrence.

I pass a couple of younger dogs as they run off to who knows where. They nearly run me over but I manage to step out of their way. My chest fur blows to the side as the gust from their speed hits me. Pups. I smirk and carry on walking. I can hear barking, growling and miscellaneous thumping as I get closer to the private combat rooms. I peek in and see that no one is in my assigned room just yet. I figure it's okay to enter, so I walk in and sit down. I look around at the ever-fading lights, the mats that line the floor and the rack of collars intended for more experienced fighters.

After a few more minutes, the Taskmaster finally shows up. He's a large Boxer mix, with scars on his flank. Pretty intimidating if you're one to actually battle against him. He shuts the door behind him and I move from sitting to standing attentively.

"Good afternoon, student." he greets me.

"Good afternoon," I reply, dipping my head.

"Remember your forms from last week? We're going to take those a step further this time. Ready to go?"

"Yes, sir."


After almost two hours of sparring, my muscles are starting to get tired and I'm not sure when the instructor wishes to end class today. We're circling each other again, and I'm waiting for his next move, as planned. I tense my legs as he springs for me. I growl and watch as his muscular form and large teeth come right for my face. At the last possible second, I rear up and jump forward, ending my instructor's momentum and sending us both to the floor. I manage to stay on top and pin his shoulders down.

"Well done, Halley." The Taskmaster says between pants. "Don't give up on your potential. You may be a retriever, but your skills in combat are growing significantly."

"Thank you, sir." I say. I step back off of his chest and he moves to stand up. He goes to say something else, but we're both distracted by a scratch at the door. Another dog opens up and peeks its head in. A Black and Tan Saluki. My other instructor for the day.

"Hello?" The sleek dog outside asks.

"Ah, have you come to collect your student?" My instructor says with a grin. The Saluki, Iris, comes the rest of the way into the room, right up to me and the taskmaster.

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