② Test

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Before you knew it, you were already standing in the circle and the entire class is behind you with numerous pairs of eyes staring right at you.

"Name." His voice was calm yet cold at the same time.

"Y/n l/n." You replied immediately as you faced the man who decided to make you start the test first.

Aizawa started scrolling through the profiles, searching for yours and once he did, he read through everything with a glance until he reached the part written 'quirk'.

"Bond. Never heard of that before."

"Yes sensei, it's a mutated quirk." You saw some heads raising up to join in with the staring, eyes filled with wary and curiousness at the same time.

"Alright whatever you can start now. Oh and you're allowed to use your quirk for the tests. It's basically a quirk and physical test."

Looking at the ball placed nicely on the ground, you picked it up and gave it a good rub hoping for it to give you some luck.

Ah shit! Why did I look at him. Why do I have to be first?

After mentally blaming yourself for ending up in this situation, you knew you had to start throwing the ball before the older man gets impatient. You took your position and tried to copy the stance that the baseball players take on the TV, making you seem like you know what you're doing.

Please end up far enough...what's the passing distance anyways? He could have told us about it first. What if it's some impossible distance? Let's just try to throw it as far as possible.

With that final thought, you finally took your shot. Placing all of your energy on your right arm, you swing it as hard as you could hoping that the ball would travel an acceptable distance.

You watched as the ball followed the path your throwing has laid out as it flew with a curve and when it was about to land on the ground, you activated your quirk.

Staring at the floating ball, you tried to concentrate on it as you watched it stop in place before moving horizontally away from you. You clenched your fists hoping that it will help you focus on sending the ball further away but that only lasted a while before your energy got depleted.

Following the loss of focus is the sound of the ball bouncing on the ground. You stared at the ball, now peacefully sitting on the ground, and tried to figure out how far it managed to travel before letting out a sigh of disappointment after concluding that the ball did not travel far enough.

You turned back to face the man, mentally praying that he wouldn't be too disappointed with your results as he looks at his tablet, waiting for the results to appear.

After the long painful silence, he finally started speaking.

"450m." He said as he turned the tablet over to show you your result. His tone didn't seem to suggest anything, making you unsure about your result.

"Um...sensei...did I pass?"

"We'll see about that, now get back into the group." He said while pointing at the rest of your classmates who have a nervous look stuck on their faces.

"Okay." Feeling defeated, you dragged your feet as you walk back into the crowd.

What does he even mean by 'We'll see about that'? Can't he just tell us what the passing score is? Anyways, let's just hope that I'm not the last.

You went over to stand next to Todoroki as he gave you a comforting smile and a soft "Good job." which made you feel much better compared to the anxieties you were given by the other man. At the same time, you could feel a pair of sparkling green eyes looking at you but before you could capture the culprit, he had already shifted his focus onto the blond boy who was chosen to be the next person.

𝙎𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙞 • 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐚 𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚Where stories live. Discover now