③ Promise

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A/N: Hi guys sorry for the long wait I had a major exam going on so I decided to push this aside and I ended up forgetting about it (or maybe I'm just a little lazy) but hey I'm back now (hopefully it'll last). I really wanna thank all of you for reading this and don't be afraid to comment if you spot any mistakes so that I can change them. Your comments would honestly motivate and entertain me haha


The next morning came by seemingly almost in an instant as your alarm established it's presence, killing the silence that had lasted throughout the night before. 


Unable to contain your excitement for the first actual day of lessons and being unsure how long it will take for you to get ready in the morning, you decided to get up 1.5h earlier than the time lesson starts so that you can be well prepared. Entering your bathroom, you took a fresh shower and changed into your new uniform, getting yourself ready for the day. Staring into the mirror, you made sure that you look presentable by patting down the folds that folded up accidentally, throwing the chaotic experience that happened the day before at the back of your head while looking forward to the new day.


Looking at your clock before taking in the view outside of your window, you decided to take a good look around the dorm since you still have plenty of time to spare. Silently almost sneakily, you made your way down the hallway and stairs until you finally reached the large kitchen on the ground floor. Since it is still early considering the fact that the classroom block is like 10mins away from the dorm and the first level is deserted, you assumed that your new classmates are still deep in slumber thus you made it a point to be as quiet as possible so that you wouldn't wake anyone up by accident. On the way down, you got the chance to admire the designs and decorations made in the dorm that you didn't have the chance to appreciate the day before.

The school really placed a lot of effort in decorating this place. It's really cosy and there are even game stations wow at least they're not all studies and exams. It seems like they've even prepared food for us. I'm loving this place even more than I already was. Man I really do love free food, I mean who wouldn't.

You grabbed a slice of bread and made yourself an easy breakfast with just a spread which you finished in an instant. You don't really enjoy eating a large meal in the morning because it kind of makes you feel sick, sometimes you would rather not eat any breakfast since it's also a little troublesome however your mum made it a rule that you should at least eat something so that you'll have the energy for the rest of the day hence you would try to obey that when the conditions allow.

Finishing up and cleaning everything that you've used, it was still early so you made your way out to the main door since you wanted to walk around the field that you saw from your window to kinda digest the food a little. Closing the door behind you, you made your way to the large field located just beside the dorm building. 

As you made your laps, the incident that happened yesterday came flooding back into your brain after escaping its hidden cage which reminded you how terribly you scored in the test. Acknowledging the fact that you still don't have complete control over your quirk you decided to try it out again, hoping that you'll be able to figure out what was missing and improve your skills.

Grabbing a fallen branch near the sides of the field, you released it in mid air and activated your quirk. You focused on the branch and tried to get it to move to the areas that you want it to stay in or get it to do things that you've set for it to do however reality comes crushing down on you as the branch falls to the ground repeatedly after a few seconds of concentration every time you repeat the same action. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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