Chapter 8: Fighting For What's Right!

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I do not own Dbz or it's characters also I'm making no profit from this.

Goku made it to the beaten girl first with Gohan not far behind. Goku put her head in his lap "..Riley?" The father said trying to get her to wake up. All of a sudden Riley started coughing and she opend her eyes a little "...D-D-Daddy?" She asked her voice not above a whisper. "So the little girl isn't as powerful as she thinks she is" mocked the android Goku turned toward him "YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS CELL!" Goku yell with rage, he was more angry now then when Krillin was killed on Namek. "This is bad Riley is horribly injured..what are we going to do!?!" Gohan thought to himself. "*chuckles* Sorry saiyan but I've already have" said the powerful monster you could see the elder saiyan bare his teeth and growl. Goku looked down at his little girl "Angel don't worry everything is going to be okay" he then smiled the famous son smile. "Gohan get Riley away from the battle field..I will take Cell alone" all Gohan could do was stare at his father. "Gohan I said GO!" Snapped Goku the young boy quickly but carefully picks up his sister and takes her to a bigger cliff about 20 miles away from the destroyed one. Gohan could still see his dad from where they were he was scared but had faith in him that he'd save them from this terrible monster. "So monkey your finally going to fight me?" Cell chuckled the saiyan looked up at him. He started to shake with rage "YOU W-WILL NOT-T HURT MY FAMLIY AND L-LIVE!" Goku screamed suddenly his hair spiked a little more, turned a deeper yellow and his eyes turned a wild green. Goku had turned super saiyan two and was ready to fight the android who hurt not only his daughter but also his son.
Without warning he rocketed into the air and slammed his foot into Cell's back which surprised Cell. ( Sorry guys I'm not really good with fighting scenes buy I'm doing my best) Cell send a punch toward Goku's face but the saiyan grabbed it and tossed the android over him an into the ground below totally demolishing the cliff that everyone had been on. Lucky all the Z fighters got out of the way in time. Riley had been trying to watch the fight but it was difficult not only were they moving fast but she also didn't have the energy and the pain was unreal. At the time the Z fighters had made it too them Piccolo was barley flying Trunks was carrying Yamcha was carrying Krillin who was out cold Tien had got there last he had grabbed Vegeta who was passed out but even he couldn't even stand to put it simply they all were in bad shape. Riley groaned in pain her brother looked at her "Riley please hang on" he whispered and pleaded she looked at him and fairly nodded. Cell had finally came out of the rubble and flew right at Goku there were hand in hand banging there knees together again and again. "What is it your even fighting for?" Cell mocked the saiyan looked him in the eyes " I'm fighting for what's right!"

I want to apologize for not updating in a while. I just want you guys to remember I didn't forget my viewers and I love y'all!


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