Serve & Protect

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"All right everyone, as you know, the NYPD intends to shut one precinct in Brooklyn. I'll be evaluating the nine-nine and sending my findings to the deputy commissioner. Are there any questions?" Lieutenant Hopkins asked as she stood on the podium infront of the squad in the briefing room.

"Yeah, Veronica, are you sure you're the best person for that job, given our, um, you know... " Terry raised his hand and started but he hesitated. "Sexual past." Charles supplied.

"Thank you, Detective Boyle." Terry glared at him but Charles didn't notice, he just nodded back.

"Sergeant Jeffords, don't be silly. I won't let the fact that you and I have a history together affect the decision I have to make in any way whatsoever." Lieutenant Hopkins said back to him, reassuringly.

"Well that's certainly good to hear." Captain Holt commented from beside her.

"I mean, sure, it took me years of intense therapy to get over and it's given me a fear of intimacy that has affected every subsequent relationship, but there's no reason I can't remain unbiased." She continued and seemed very biased, making the squad worried.

"The way you just said that makes it seem like you actually are biased." Jake commented.

"I have no idea what you mean." Lieutenant Hopkins replied menacingly.
"That is all." She stated in a significantly cheerful tone and left.

"Okay, the plan is clear. Sarge, you divorce Sharon, abandon your children, get back together with that monster. The precinct is saved." Jake stated, standing up with his hands at his hips.

"I'm not leaving my family." Terry responded.

"Come on! You didn't even consider it!"


Now, walking out the precinct, Isabel was feeling a weird pressure in her chest at the prospect of the precinct being shut down. She wasn't going to believe that she cared. She didn't.

"You really didn't have much problem with your last precinct shutting down?" Rosa suddenly asked from beside her.

"Its always a little hard transfering into a new precinct." Isabel replied.

"You know that's not what I mean."

"Look, my colleagues and I had a mutual understanding. They were good people but we weren't close. Besides, its my job. I wasn't there to make friends." Isabel replied, already annoyed by the precinct shutting down situation.

Rosa stopped walking and turned to her, making Isabel turn too.

"So you won't actually care if this precinct shuts down?" Rosa asked.

"It'll suck. I agree. I'll have to get transferred again and all. But its my job. I have to suck it up." Isabel replied crossing her arms.

"That's all you're worried about? You don't care about the people here?" Rosa glared at her. She was feeling very bothered by Isabel's answers. She couldn't explain why.

"I care about them. They are my colleagues. They're very nice." Isabel answered firmly. "But I've been here two month, Diaz. What do you want me to say?"

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