Chapter 17: Explaining the Falls

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Genesis begins with the creation of the earth, followed by the creation of man.  Adam and Eve were the first humans on earth, unclothed and pure when they first walked within the Garden of Eden.  It was a common enough story, one found in the Bible and referenced around the globe, but you knew that most people’s worlds would shatter if they found out exactly how wrong they had it all.

Adam and Eve had walked the earth and they were the parents of every person.  That was true.  But what was forgotten, what had been written out of the Bible was the fact that Eve, who had been made from Adam’s rib after he told God that he was lonely, was not Adam’s first wife.  God had, in fact, made a man and a woman right from the start, both being made from the same dust, both being formed and crafted at the exact same time.

God first made Adam and Lilith.

But there was trouble in paradise, and before long Lilith had become too much for Adam, her soul having twisted and turned into some wicked form of wasted humanity before long, and God was forced to kill her, sending her down to the fiery pits below.  It was then that Adam realized he was lonely, and God decided to try again, this time making the woman from Adam’s rib.

The rest was well enough known—the serpent came in, tempted Eve who convinced Adam to join her in taking a bite of the forbidden fruit, and upon doing so they realized they were unclothed and embarrassed. God found out, God kicked them out, and humanity fell.

Whether God knew of your existence or not, you didn’t know; you didn’t know whether he concerned himself with the doings of Hell or the souls that had not turned to him while they had the chance.  What you did know was that you had been a design in Lucifer’s mind from the very second he considered going against God, from the very second he knew that he was going to be expelled from Heaven.  You were the greatest weapon, the most powerful bit of machinery that Heaven, Hell, that the world would ever see.

When Lucifer snuck into the garden the first time, during Lilith’s time, he planted the seed of doubt in her mind.  He twisted her soul, making her the first demon that would ever walk the halls of Hell with him; she was his queen.  It was with Lilith that he planned the making of this weapon, and it was when the power of Lucifer and the power of Lilith met that you were born.  They named you Gragnis, their first and only child.

Your job had first been just as simple as any other demon’s: you were to collect souls.  After Hell had enough manpower, Lucifer gave you permission to go off and figure out what you could do, figure the extent of your power.  So centuries passed with you walking the earth, collecting demons here and there, keeping the order of Hell straight while kings rose and fell, you being the only constant throughout time.

As you grew older you came to realize that Lucifer was locked in a cage—there was no reason for you to be listening to him, to follow his orders, so you stopped visiting him entirely, and before you knew it another century had gone by, during which you never stopped to ask him what you were to do.

In fact, you hadn’t talked to your father again, up until present day.


It wasn’t until the late 19th century that you even heard there was a threat to you, let alone that the threat had a name: Winchester.  Of course it was clear why it had taken so long for you to catch wind of it: with so many different lines, there was an infinite amount of possible families that could have presented you with the unknown, vague threat that you had only caught bits of conversation about here and there while your parents conversed.

You didn’t know any more about the Winchesters, only what Lilith had told you: the Winchesters were going to be the ones that would cause your death, your fall.  Never having asked for any more information, thinking the threat in and of itself was enough motivation, you sought them out.

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