Carbonite by ItBelongsInAMuseum

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Author: @ItBelongsInAMuseum

WARNING: Spoilers for Season 4 for those who haven't seen it.


The sun slowly crept higher in the sky, bathing the landscape around them in yellow light. The ruins of the church were far behind them, and before them the open road. The whole group was quiet, each suffering from varying levels of brutal exhaustion and each covered in their own mixture of dirt and blood. The quiet was almost a relief after the scream and violence that had been filling all of their senses not three hours ago. Almost. Now it was making him anxious. Not worried anxious, just restless.

Drumming his fingers against the steering wheel, Stiles glanced at his surroundings. The five of them were wedged in the Jeep pretty tightly since Braden had reclaimed that prison transport fan and Derek had taken his car to go on some sort of freaking journey of self-discovery. He just kind of vanished, disappearing into the landscape all dramatic-like. Kind of inconsiderate, but whatever. He'd show up soon enough, probably in a super-dramatic and unexpected way that would inevitably make Stiles jump three feet in the air and let out a yelp. A manly yelp.

It was pretty difficult to get them all in the car-some overly convoluted of human Tetris-but now that they had managed to fit themselves in, they managed to reach a comfortable equilibrium. Malia was sitting next to him, her head resting against the window as she snored softly, and Liam, Scott and Kira filled up the back seat. Stiles's eyes darted around, searching for some sort of conversation. But, nope. Everyone was either sleeping or busy being adorable and whispering sweet nothings to each other like the two freaking lovebirds in the back seat.

Rolling his eyes to himself, Stiles let out a loud huff. "Well I'll you one thing," he announced to the car, rousing friends.

Scott shifted in his seat, blinking at him in confusion. "What's that?"

"At least one good thing happened today," Stiles declared loudly.

"How do you figure that?" Malia deadpanned, stirring in her seat. "Mr. Argent is gone, my dad's a psychopath, Derek's gone, Kate got away, the your dad's going to kill you for going to Mexi-"

"Al-alright," Stiles interrupted, holding up a hand and gesturing for her to be quiet. "I think we get it with the nutshelling of information. But that's not what I'm talking about."

"Then what are you talking about?" Kira queried quietly.

A giant, stupid grin covered Stiles's face and he twisted around in his seat to look at them. "Isn't it obvious? Star Wars! I finally got Scott to watch Star Wars! Which is something I've only been trying to do for like ten freaking years."

Stiles had expected at least some sort of reaction, whether it was appreciation for the cinematic masterpiece that was that film or a collective groan at his eagerness. He got neither. Silence. And, if you asked him, a particularly guilty-sounding silence. Narrowing his eyes suspiciously, he glanced up at the rearview mirror. In the reflection he found Scott and Kira exchanging glances that were, in fact, guilty. His hands tightened instinctively around the steering wheel. "Guys? You did see it, right?"

More silence. He actually felt his facial muscles go slack as the smile slid from his face. It was replaced by something else pretty soon though. That something being a healthy helping of nerd rage.

"Oh-oh my God," he declared, shaking his head vehemently. "I can't believe this. I can't freaking believe this! I am literally in a car filled with people who have never seen Star Wars! Are you trying to hurt me? Actively?"

Scott opened and closed his mouth a few times before shrugging in bemusement. "Dude, I got kidnapped. There really wasn't much of anything I could do about that."

"Were you kidnapped for the last ten years of your life too?" Stiles snapped. "I mean seriously, dude! I ask you one thing-to watch one of the greatest cinematic adventures of all time, and nothing! I mean what kind of self-respecting person finishes their junior year of high school still having never seen Star Wars? Somebody back my up here."

The sound of his outburst faded away, filling the car with yet another silence. Seriously, the most vocal party were the little bits of gravel churned up by the spinning of the wheels. After a few moments of tension, Malia leaned in towards him, whispering in a voice that was still audible to every passenger in the car. "This is uncomfortable."

"Yup," Stiles muttered bitterly.

She glanced over her shoulder at the people in the back seat, a crease forming between her eyebrows as she frowned in confusion. "Is it going to be like this the whole way back?"

Stiles pressed his lips together in a thin line and bobbed his head. "Most likely, yes."

Malia cocked her head to the side, considering his words for a moment. "Okay," she replied matter-of-factly. "Then I'm going back to sleep."

She collapsed back in her seat, snuggling into the cushioning. One by one the others followed suit until the only sound left filling the car was soft snores. Sighing heavily to himself, Stiles looked around the car one more time. They were bruised and battered, but they had all made it through. And that was something, at least. A small smile pulled at the corners of his lips and he shook his head before staring out the windshield at the seemingly unending road ahead.

"Not a single person in this car has seen Star Wars. You guys are the worst. I'm gonna put all your asses in carbonite."

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