The Wall

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"We don't need no, education"

"We don't need no, thought control"

"No dark sarcasm, in the classroom"

"Teacher leave them, kids alone"

The lyrics to the Pink Floyd song had been stuck in my head for what seemed like hours now. And I know what you're thinking, "Who the hell is Pink Floyd?". Yes, I am aware that Pink Floyd is an odd choice of music for a 15 year old girl in the 21st Century, but screw you, I don't care.
Pink Floyd was possibly the best band to ever come out of the 60s-90s. My dad always used to play their music for me when we were in the car or just hanging at home. I practically grew up with them. They were always there for me, and I could always relate to their lyrics, regardless of the fact that they were around 39 years before me. I guess you could say I was born in the wrong time, as far as music goes.
Well, I guess this is the part where I introduce myself. My name is Eryn. My parents were big into Lord of the Rings and World of Warcraft, and wanted my name to be "elven". Yeah, I know right? Totally screwed me for the rest of my life. But I guess it could be worse, my older brother was named Eäeon.
I have lived in the small, hyper-conservative town of Northbrook my whole life, but thanks to my upbringing, I managed to avoid all the crazy that comes with it.
For example, people around here still fly confederate flags on their dead, barren, lawns. And dont even get me started with the inexplicably ignorant rascism. All I ever hear are statements along the lines of "The Muslims are out to destroy the country! Let's kill them first before they get us!" when the topic is brought about. And some people throw their own children out of their homes because they have different preferences and don't fit their parent's "perfect" mold. It absolutely disgusts and horrifies me.
Luckily though, I have surrounded myself with a group of people who aren't bigoted mysogynists and actually have working crainial processors.
Yeah, we were a pretty tight-knit group. Until it all fell to pieces and I realized... my problems sre insignificant and what I thought was evil, was nothing compared to the sinister forces acting right in front of me.


Author's Note

Hello, welcome to... whatever this ends up being.

This is glaringly obviously my first book, but I hope anyone who, for whatever deluded reason takes up time to read this train wreck, enjoys it at least partly.

Feedback and suggestions are warmly welcomed!


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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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