Jealousy with Pairing

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Sorry for not updating. I had writer's block. I found a random picture and I thought it was cute.
Hope you enjoy.
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Today, Kazama's team and Arashiyama's team will be working in pairs. I was really happy because there was a chance I can be paired up with Kitora-senpai or Arashiyama-senpai. Well the guy beside me (Soya) was a bit annoyed.
"Can you please stop smiling? It's disgusting." He demanded.
"It's disgusting." I snapped.
"Dis-gus-ting." He said slowly. I started to insult him as we walked to the meet.

"Ciao, [y/n]." Kaho smiled.
"Hello, Kaho-senpai." I hugged her. Then I greet the others.
"Hello, [y/n]." Arashiyama-senpai shake my hand. Kitora-senpai, Ken-senpai, Tokieda-senpai greeted me as well. My eyes was sparkling until Arashiyama-senpai announce the pairings.
"Tokieda and Kikuchihara, you go to the west." Arashiyama announced.
"Ken and Utagawa, you take the north." Soya announced also.
"Okay, that leaves us with Kazama-san, Kitora, me, and new girl-chan." Arashiyama-senpai tilted his head.
"Then, I will be-" Soya got cut off with his sentence. Arashiyama-senpai put his arms around my neck.
"New girl-chan and I will pair and go to the west while, Kazama-san and Kitora will be going to the south." Arashiyama announced.
"Yes-sir!" Everyone replied and went to their assigned place.

As I went ahead, Soya and Arashiyama-senpai were talking about something. Arashiyama looked fine while, Soya looked irritated. Then Arashiyama-Senpai catch up to me.
"Arashiyama-senpai, what were you and Soya talking about?" I asked.
"Nothing much. It was a little discussion about you." He smiled.
I blushed a little bit and continue with the mission.

When we got to the west of the city, many children and other people greeted us. We inspected the area to see if there an neighbors around the area.
"Okay, there seem no neighbors around the area." I reported to Arashiyama-senpai. I notice I was a bit to earlier on that report. A neighbor gate appeared. Arashiyama-senpai evacuated all the civilians. I started fighting with the neighbor Bamster.

'Right, left, fake down, right, beam.' The bamster did exactly what I said.
I went behind the neighbor and attack.
"Fin, fine, finish." I said cheerfully. And now to..
"New girl-chan!" I heard Arashiyama-senpai shout along with gun shots.

I turn around and saw the bamster down.
"New girl-chan, you need to attack at the trion source." He lectured.
"I was going to. I need the bamster to think I let me guard down then, I was going to attack." I replied. I looked at him and he looked surprised.

"You're very interesting, Skimpy-chan~!" He smiled. I quickly looked at myself, a lot of my clothing was ripped. I blushed in to a red rose.

"I can understand why Kazama-San would like you on his team. Well if you don't want to be in his group anymore, you can always come to mine." Arashiyama-senpai said putting his jacket on me.
It's really big.
"I'll keep that in mind." I muttered.
"By the way you look cute in red." He teased walking ahead to the base.
"Sh-shut up!" I yelled as I catch up to him.

-At the Base-

"[y/n] and Arashiyama-san has now came back from their mission." I reported. Everyone's eyes were on me but one felt like a glare instead.
"[y/n], wh-why are you wearing Arashiyama's jacket?" Kitora-senpai asked.
I looked away and remember what happen. "A lot of stuff." I answered.
Soya came up to me with a irritated look.
"Well now you can give him back his jacket." He unzipped the jacket and blush.
"What are you doing?! That's practically striping a girl!" I yelled, blushing really hard.
"I'm sorry for doing that." He apologizes. Soya started to zip but he was interrupted by Utagawa-senpai.
"[y/n], are you okay? You're bleeding ." Utagawa-senpai announce.
I looked at myself, I was bleeding very badly but, it wasn't there when Arashiyama-senpai gave me his jacket. Well this is the usual thing.

"I'm okay. I have high pain tolerance. It just need to be treated before I faint of" Suddenly everything went black.

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I know most of the characters are OOC. What did you thought of the Arashiyama-san?
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