Skirts not Pants

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'Onii-chan, where are you? Onii-chan said you were going to stay by my side.'
Alone in this dark place, I started looking for Onii-chan.

'Onii-chan! Where did you go? I was looking for you everywhere?' I started walking up to him but then he vanished.


"Oi Baka?! Get yourself together!"

Huh? I slowly opened my eyes as tears fall from them. I saw my team captain, Soya.

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just remember something from my past." I smiled weakly.
Soya, got up and pat me on my head.
"It's okay to think about the past but, your here now. So you should think about what's happening now." Soya said.

"Thanks Soya. But whoever said I wasn't thinking about the present." I teased.
"Shut up. I just said something to cheer you up." He retorted with a small blush.

To cheer me up. Soya isn't such a bad guy after all.
"Thanks." I smiled while putting my hand on his head.
"It's nothing." He replied.
"Hehehe, you're short."
"That's was unneeded!"

After that, our team did another pair patrolling with Arashiyama team. I was pair up with Kitora senpai.

"Aww. I wanted to be paired up with new girl-chan again." Arashiyama senpai pouted.
"Arashiyama-san, we have to head south." Soya demanded.
I waved at the two captains as they went south.
"Shall we go then?" Kitora-senpai asked.
"Ah. Yes ma'am." I saluted to her.
We headed to the destinatied direction.

I noticed that Kitora-senpai uniform wasn't a skirt but pants.
"Kitora-senpai how were you able to order your uniform as pants?" I asked.
"You should be able to choose." She replied.
"I didn't order mine, myself. I thought it would come as pants but it didn't."

After we finish our mission let's go and order one for you." Kitora-senpai smiled.

I was able to learn about many things about the Border and the Neighbors during the mission. There was nothing out of the ordinary and then the mission came to the end.

-The next day-

Today, we are doing practice matches. Soya didn't say anything about what time we have to be there so I slept in. When I woke up it was already past 12. I got ready and went to the training room.

When I came into the room, Utagawa-senpai and Shiro were doing a practice match.
"Good morning." I said yawning.
"What the heck are you talking about? It's already past 12, idiot!" Soya scolded.
"You never said what time we need to be here."
"It's normal to be here before 10, idiot."

Then Mikami-senpai came up to us.
"Kazama-san, don't scold her so much." Mikami-senpai said.
"Goodmorning, Mikami-senpai!" I greeted.
"[y/n]-chan, you change your uniform to pants. I like the skirt but this is great too." Mikami-senpai said surprisingly.

Utagawa-senpai and Shiro finished their match and came over to us.

"Goodmorning, Utagawa-senpai!" I said cheerfully and also casually ignoring Shiro.

"I see you changed your uniform to pants." Utagawa-senpai said.
"Yeah." I reply as I twirled.
"But you look ugly." Shiro mumbled.
Utagawa-senpai nudge him and complemented me.

As we did the sparring match we notice that Soya was acting very different today.

"Utagawa-senpai, what's wrong with Soya today?" I whispered to him.
"I don't know. He isn't concentrating as usual."  Utagawa-senpai whispered back.

"What are you guys doing?" Soya questioned out of nowhere.
"We, we were just talking about-"
"What's wrong with you today?" I said cutting off Utagawa-senpai.
"(Y/N) What are you doing!!" Utagawa-senpai yelled.
"You're not as the same as usual." Getting straight to the point.
"It's nothing. Everyone get back to the training."  He said not evening trying to answer my question.
"Ughhhh!!! What's wrong with that short stuff?!" I said so irritatingly.

We went back to training but Soya was still weird.

When the training ended, I went back to my room and I jumped on my bed.
" I'm so tried." I said into my pillow.

Then suddenly my room door opened.
"Oi Baka! What are you doing changing your uniform?" A voiced yelled.
I looked up and see a shrimp.
"What do mean by that?"
"Your pants." He said pointing to them.
"If you have a problem with them, how about you take them off for me a said jokingly.
He's face blushed red.
"What are you saying?!" The Res Shrimp yelled.
"I'm just saying if you have a problem with it them you do something about it." I said in a teasingly tone.
The Red Shrimp paused for a second and started coming closer to me.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
Then he got on top on me and smirked.
"Your the one who said to take off your pants." He whispered in my ear while sliding his finger down to my pants button.  I blushed.
"I was kidding." I yelled and started rejecting him like a wild horse.
"Stop moving." He unbutton my pants.
"Stop! Stop! STOP!!"

He literally stopped.
"Next time don't do something stupid like that." Soya said while getting off of me.
I nodded and he get out of my room.

"That was close"

I hurry and changed my uniform to skirts again and went to sleep.


I'm sorry guys I haven't update for a long time. I came to Japan and I didn't have time to update. When I enter High School(I'm still in Middle School while my friends are in High School(ㅎ.ㅎ )) , I will try to update more.

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