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          “LADIES AND gentlemen, Corsair International welcomes you to Incheon. The local time is 14:17. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisles clear until we are parked at the gate. The Captain will then turn off the “Fasten Seat Belt” sign, indicating it is safe to stand. Please use caution when opening the overhead compartments and removing items, since articles may have shifted during flight.

As soon as Miyoung heard it, she immediately put on her sunglasses and sighed. 'Welcome back, the bitch is here.' She was ready to face whatever comments were going to be thrown on her face.

She dialled the number of the designated chauffeur that was to fetch her from the airport. The flight was exhausting despite being in first class, she still bumped onto several people as she got inside the airport.

Her first stop was, of course, home. Which couldn't be called home because it lacked aspects from an actual home. Her heels clattered as she stepped onto the marbled floor, eyeing the place. Nothing new, and she wasn't surprised.

Minjeong's voice screeched the moment she saw Miyoung entered. The maidservants bowed down out of respect.

Minjeong ran to her and hugged her. "I missed you!" She just rolled her eyes and patted the kid's back.

"There, there. I was gone for few months. Where's mom and dad?" Her eyes never laid on Minjeong, she still eyed the placed, looking for their parents. She was dying to boast to them her latest projects about designing clothes for big stars like Beyoncé and Rihanna.

Minjeong pulled apart from the hug, frowning upon her sister's question. She didn't say I miss you back at least. Minjeong kept quiet and just shrugged her shoulders. But Miyoung wasn't that dumb to not notice it.

She pinched her cheeks. "Of course, I brought something for you. Silly."

Then she ruffled her hair which made the other girl make a face. "Eonni, I'm not a kid."

Miyoung flashed her a smile. "You still are, to me. Care to play something for my welcome party tonight?" Minjeong's face bloomed the moment she heard Miyoung say it. It was a moment for her to shine and show off her talents in music. Miyoung knew very well that she plays many instruments that started out of habit and she got too deep into learning that she asked Taehyung for actual lessons.

"Really? I'd play piano if you like." Miyoung thought it was a win-win situation for her and Minjeong. Minjeong could finally show off her skills whilst Miyoung could save her time and money by hiring a musician.

"Have you talked to Oppa yet?" Something from what Minjeong said irritated her. Of course, that was the mention of 'oppa'. Minjeong knew the conflict between the two but stayed out of it since she loves both of them.

Miyoung's brow furrowed and turned to Minjeong, finally squinting her eyes at her. "You're right. I need to visit my dear brother." 


          AFTER MEETING with Taehyung, which Miyoung hated most. She hated him for sitting at the spot where she wanted to sit most. That very office, which supposed to be hers. Not until their father decided to pick an heir to their empire. Miyoung wasn't chosen and grew jealous because of it, call it petty, but it was a matter of rivalry for her. She's been doing good in school and even studied abroad in hopes to having the company passed down to her or at least be a candidate, at least there'd a slim chance. But because she's a female, her hopes were crushed.

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