Curses and Vexes- a random Scar short story I guess

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Scar fidgeted with his golden and purple robes. His giant wizard's hat was too large for his head, covering half his face. This was it today was the day, he had been accepted as a wizard and today was his first day of the 6 years of schooling it would take to become one fully. He raced down the corridors, and stopped when he reached the line of fellow first years. He stood in line, the hat sliding down his head. a tall cloaked figure with purple wings walked past him.

"Welcome to your first day of school," said the figure, "You'll be learning how to access and control your magic, but first...pop quiz, what is the first thing given to a wizard when they start training?" Scar watched as most of the other student's hands shot up. He thought for a moment, the most plausible object was a wand, so it had to be that. He raised his hand.

"Yes, the one with the scar over his eye, what's your name and answer?" Asked the instructor.

"My name is well... Scar Goodtimes and um... a wand?" He heard all the other students burst out laughing. Bright red, he shrunk into his over-sized robes. The instructor sighed.

"How many of you aren't wizard born?" Scar and probably 4 other people raise their hands, "huh...More than normal." Said the figure.

"Um...who are you?" Asked one of the other non-wizard borns.

"I am Professor Sylvia," the figure pulled down her cloak's hood, she had long silvery hair as if it had been coated in pure silver, the light bounced off of it, almost blinding Scar, "Professor Sylvia, the um... Silver," she chuckled, " Now who can tell me the actual answer to my question." She called on a random student.

"A Familiar," said the student.

"Very good, now come along class. Time to meet your familiars." Scar trailed behind the rest, what if he was denied a familiar? Did they know about his secret? Did they know about the vex? He entered a giant room, in the center was rows and rows of animal beds, each one occupied with a creature of some sort. There were mythical beings like miniature unicorns or phoenixes. Then there were your average pets, cats, dogs, hamsters. And then some pretty obscure ones like a tiger sitting in the corner of the room. Scar loved cats but he steered clear from the giant stripped predator. 

"Don't think about what familiar you want, instead think about what you want to achieve as a wizard, the familiar will come to you." Scar thought hard. What did he want to achieve. He realized he had no idea what he wanted to do, it had been his dream to be a wizard ever since he was little, he had no idea why though. Then it came to him, he knew it was a common motive. It probably wouldn't earn him a familiar but he decide that was his purpose, to make the world a better place. Suddenly a small gray and white kitten with bright green eyes  got out of bed and walked up to him, rubbing against his legs. He bent down to pet them and noticed a red collar around her neck materialize. 

"Jellie, familiar of Scar Goodtimes," he read aloud. The instructor stared at at him for a moment.

"I've never seen a non-wizard born get their familiar first." She commented, "Ah, yes the noble cat, she shall aid you when you need her. You know, in wizard culture their said to bring good luck, also ward off any unwanted creatures like those terrible vexes." Scar froze. If cats  warded of vexes than why had he gotten Jellie? Sure, he hadn't wanted to be vex, he had been tricked by them, placed under a  curse but why would Jellie choose him?


Scar stood on top of the roof of the Swaggon, staring up at the moon, it was ginormous, he had been away for a month doing his wizard duties and he comes back to a panicking server and a giant moon. How was he not surprised. He glanced down at the rest of Boatem, Mumbo was building some strange building with a moon in the middle, and Grian was restocking the G-Train.

"Hey Grian!" Shouted Scar, jumping off the roof and attempting to land gracefully on the ground next to Grian. He ended up doing a somersault mid-air, landing face first on the ground next to Grian's feet.

"What the Neth- oh, hi Scar," said the winged hermit, jumping out of his skin.

"hey!" The wizard instantly stood up, brushing the first off of his red suit.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much," said Scar, "I was just gonna say hi and buy a couple things." He walked over to the deepslate chest, popped a couple diamonds in there and grabbed a stack or two of the block.

"Something wrong, you look down," asked Grian. Scar shook his head, no one except for Cub and Xisuma knew about his curse, and how it had been acting up lately, and had chosen the worst time possible, right when he had a lot of wizard duties. And Wizards hated vexes.

"I'm fine, nothings wrong. Just my health issues acting up again," Scar had told the hermits as an excuse for his long periods of time away when the curse was acting up was health issue, they believed and supported him, When Cub had first found out about it he had been hurt but after a bit had gotten used to it, even starting the ConVex and in extension ConCorp with him.

"Everything okay?" Scar nodded, "If you say so." With that Grian spread his wings and flew off into the sky leaving Scar alone. Scar sighed and took off into the air, heading over to Cub's crazy custom biome. He flew around, looking for a place to land so he could check the small caves with out being impaled by one of the giant spikes. He eventually landed next to the Spleef arena(idk how to spell it lol).

"Cub!" Called Scar. No response. He walked over to the nearest cave. "Cub?" Nothing. He sighed and sat down, messing with one of the dripstones, accidentally breaking it.

"Shoot," He muttered, attempting to fix it. He stood up and walked a couple steps before stopping, doubling over in pain, his vex wings sprouted from his back, "No no no no no..." He started searching more frantically. Eventully he found Cub who was sorting through his chests.

"Cub?" He called the hermit turned around and saw Scar's condition.

"Scar?I-" he was cut off by Scar collapsing, "Scar!"


Scar opened his eyes, everything was blurry. His eyes focused and he realized he was in a bed, he sat up. A good chunk of the hermits where in the room, none for them were looking in Scar's direction thought. Scar was about to speak up before Bdubs turned around.

"Scar's awake!" He exclaimed. The rest of the hermits first looked at Bdubs and then at Scar. Xisuma walked over to Scar.

"You need to be more carful," He said, "You need to keep your curse under control, your health matters more than building the Swaggon." Scar evaded Xisuma's eyes.

"I had it under control," He muttered, clearly his secret had been revealed.

"By under control you mean your skin was turning gray by the time I got you to X," Added Cub. Scar just sat there silently.

"I'll be more careful," he muttered.

"How about this, next time the curse acts up you find the nearest hermit and they get me, or if I'm close than come straight to me," said Xisuma, Scar nodded.

"You scared us,"said Grian, sitting on the bed next to him, "I can't imagine what I would do if something happened to you."

"I'll be more carful," He said and he meant it.

I started writing this before Scar made his update video, and it ties into it nicely. Sorry for the ending, I got a bit lazy. It is currently 12 am because I have a snow day tomorrow. Also Scarian.

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