Another random thing for Void au

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Xisuma looked over at Wels who was glaring at his captor/alternate self, the Xisuma looked back  at his feet. The two remaining hermits had been captured and were being escorted to Ex by Hels. Xisuma wanted to believe everything was going to be fine, that everything would work out. Him and Wels would escape and rescue the other hermits. But Xisuma knew he was lying to himself. Xisuma looked up, they were at the doors to Evil X's little tower, he stood still, frozen with terror.

"Move it," growled Hels pushing the Doomguy. Xisuma took a deep breath and continued with Wels into the small tower. Evil Xisuma was sitting on his little pile of diamonds like always, giving X flash backs to the diamond throne from last season. Ex had their helmet off, cast aside next to them. Their white hair was just long enough to be pulled back in a small pony tail, a red stripe ran through the snow colored hair. They had freckles just like Xisuma's and glowing red eyes. 

"Look at what the knight dragged in," said Evil Xisuma, snickering at how broken X looked, "The last remaining hermits."

"You better watch out because I'll-" Wels was cut of by Xisuma slapping a hand over his mouth. The blond knight glared at the helmeted hermit but didn't continue. Evil X smiled.

"Helmet." X didn't fight as the knight from another dimension attempted to lift of the helmet but couldn't figure out how.

"Here, let me." Hels stood back as Xisuma easily pulled of his gray helmet. The world lost its purple tinge as Xisuma stared up at his clone who was smirking. Xisuma's chocolate brown hair was slightly longer that how most of the male hermits had their hair, a lock of the hair falling over his bright blue eye. His face was dotted with freckles and a scar the shape of an x on his face, similar to Evil X. Wels stared at the two, an expression of pure shock on his face.

"What do you want?" Asked Xisuma.

"Simple, for you to suffer," said Ex.

"Why would you want me to suffer? you would never have existed without me," said X, confused. Then a section of hair fell in front of his eye. Annoyed he brushed the chocolate colored hair away.

"Exactly, that's all I am a clone who can not be good, an evil clone." Growled Evil X, standing up and walking towards Xisuma. The two glared at each other, "Did you ever stop to think about that clone's feelings?" Xisuma stayed silent for a moment before answering.

"I had to prove my loyalty somehow, so many admins were leaving and joining the Watchers!" X said 'Watchers' as if it was an insult.

"You know if you should do more research before taking about a topic like that. You know Grian?" X nodded.

"He was the admin of his previous server, then he was forced to join the Watchers, not everyone had a choice." Wels looked between the two arguing men and then voiced his confusion.

"Aren't Watchers and Admins two different-" he was cut off by a laugh from Ex.

"What made you assume that?"

"But Xisuma himself said-"

"All Admins were told to lie, they didn't want to be seen as Watchers, so they pretended to be different," said the clone, "But every Admin still had to prove their loyalty, so he made me. Taking all of his bad traits and transferring it into a clone, down to every last insecurity,  and then it was amplified. You probably don't know but he has a streak of white in his hair that he dyes." Wels stared at the Admin. Xisuma flinched.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this, please just leave Hermitcraft alone," pleaded the Doomguy, "You don't have to be 'Evil Xisuma' I can tell the hermits to forget the past, you can be whoever you want to be, just please leave us alone." Ex's expression and body posture didn't change but Xisuma could see it in their eyes how conflicted they were. As if they did want to be something more than a clone, and then it was gone.

"It's to late for that, maybe you should have done that back in season 3." Xisuma didn't respond, instead he just looked at his feet, "Lock them up, somewhere. I don't care where you put them as long as they are out of my sight." Hels nodded.

"Will do Xae-" he stopped mid-sentence looking up at Ex. Evil Xisuma sat there, frozen. Xisuma couldn't tell what Hels's expression meant but Wels seemed to understand as he looked between the two. Then the silence was broken by Hels growling at the hermits to get a move on. 

When they were heading to where ever Hels was going to put them Wels gave Xisuma a nod. Xisuma cried out in fake pain, claiming to have hurt his ankle. While Hels angrily told him he was an idiot and other names, telling him he would still have to walk Wels slipped away. Once Hels noticed that his good counterpart was gone the fire on his helmet violently flickered back and forth, growing in size. His already red eyes started to glow a blood red and he shot a fire ball at a near by tree demolishing at least 5 other trees in the process. Xisuma silently cheered on Wels, now he would face his punishment for distracting Hels. He was ready, or at least he thought he was...

I may or may not have watched the Evil's Fault animation 10 million times while writing that and am currently watching every episode of Xisuma's with Evil X(excluding s8). I'm not obsessed with Ex, you are! 944 words. Also I'm not that good at explaining back stories in stories so if your confused just ask for an explanation of the part your confused about, I won't be offended or anything. 

Edit: I found out Evil X uses they/them pronouns so I am going back and editing this

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