Chapter 4

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I was listening to this video up at the top while making this.

       Whenever I looked over, I expected to see just Carson standing there. But instead there was someone else there. "Stop being so mean," yelled Kirsten. I could tell Rose was as confused as I was. "Oh yeah, yelling that won't stop anything," Carson says. After that I see Kirsten get even angrier. She walks up to him and kicks him in that spot. "OW!" He yells before falling to the floor. After that Kirsten realizes that she did what she wasn't supposed to do. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt-" Rose gets up and squeezes Kirsten. "Thank you," She says. 

        After a few seconds Rose lets go of Kirsten. "Your Welcome," Kirsten says. "I overheard you guys arguing and I didn't want you to get hurt," Kirsten says. "It's fine. I have no choice but to date him anyway." Rose says. "What do you mean?" Says Kirsten. "Well, my dad forced me to date him, even though he's so abusive to me. I tried to tell him but he wouldn't listen." I was in shock. I was the only person Rose told this to. I never expected her to tell Kirsten out of all people. "Oh, Your not alone. I have an abusive step mom. She was dating my dad for money, and then took me, my sister, and half of my dad's money with her after they divorced. So we moved here," Kirsten says. There was a long pause before it was time for next class. "Friends?" Asks Kirsten. "Friends," Rose replies. 

        Since Rose and I have last class together, I told her everything that happened and why I took so long to come back. "Wait, she defended you from Emily?" Rose asks. "Yeah. I was surprised that she took the offer down," I reply. "Is there anything else?" Rose asks while also trying to listen to the teacher. "Oh, well we were going to try to meet up at the park later today." Rose was about to say something when the teacher notices us. "Is there something to discuss?" "No Sir." We both say in unison. "That's Professor to you, and please pay attention to the lesson." "We'll talk more this later," I say. "Ok."

        After class Rose and I set out to the park. "What is taking Kirsten so long?" Rose says. "She has to walk to the elementary to get her sister." I reply. After 15 minutes of waiting Kirsten shows up with who I assume is her sister. "Hey guys," Kirsten says. "Hi." Rose and I say in unison. We both look at each other for a few seconds before continuing on. "This is my sister, Sunday." Says Kirsten. "Sunday, meet Lila and Rose." "Hello!" Says Sunday. "Hi Sunday, It's nice to meet you." "It's Nice to meet you, too." "Kirsten told us about your troubles at home. We're glad your so strong though," Rose says. "Thank you!" Sunday says. 

        We walked to their house with them. When we got to their neighborhood, there was a women standing on the front porch of a house. She was yelling at someone on the phone. "Here's our house," Sunday says. She points over at the one with the women standing on the porch. As soon as the women notices us she hangs up on the person she was talking to and walks over to us. "I told you to bring back rich friends," she says to Kirsten and Sunday. "T-They are rich! They just hide it so that they don't get all the attention," Kirsten says. The lady looks at us. "What's your name?" She says sternly to Rose. "I'm Rose, Ma'am," she says trying to sound normal. She then looks at me. "And you?" "I'm Lila, Ma'am," I say. She looks at us for a moment. "Well, they sure sound rich, and Definitely could pull off the rich look. They're aloud in." The women says. "Thank you, mom." Kirsten says.

        When we went inside Kirsten's mom said Sunday couldn't come with us. I don't know why but it didn't bother her so I was ok with it. Kirsten showed us around the house. For some reason she said we couldn't go in the attic but I didn't really care. We hung out in Kirsten's room for most our time there. At about 4:35 Rose realized that she only had 5 minutes until she had to be home. "Crap. I'm sorry but I only have a few minutes to get home. I got to go," She says before running out the door. On her way out I hear, "It was a pleasure meeting you ma'am but I have to go home." No response. "What about you? Don't you have a deadline you have to be home by?" Kirsten says to me. "No, I live alone," I respond. "Wait, so does Rose live with her parents?" Kirsten asks me. "You ask alot of questions. But no, she lives with Carson," I respond. "Then how does her dad force her to date Carson." "He forces her cause if Carson dates Rose then he gets payed by Carson parents," I reply. 

        A few seconds later it starts pouring outside. ~Poor Rose~ "Lila if this keeps up your gonna have to stay here for tonight." I jump at the sudden voice. I turn around to see Rose's mom standing in the doorway. "Yes ma'am." The rain kept coming down hard. Around 6:00 It was dinner time. When we went to the dining room Sunday was sitting there crying. "What's wrong Sunday?" Kirsten says. "Mom yelled at me for not making friends," she replies. I wanted to yell at her mom. But I knew I couldn't. I knew that this lady was to powerful for me to even try. So I just stayed quiet. 

        Kirsten decided to sit next to her sister, while just sat next to her. We ate dinner, and it was still pouring outside. "Why did you walk home with us?" Said Sunday. "Cause it's the middle of winter and and we didn't want to see you walk home by yourself," I replied. "I mean, I do have a car. I just don't use it cause I live right next to school." We sat their and ate as the rain poured harder. ~Guess I'm staying here tonight~

        After dinner we got ready for bed. I didn't have any spare change of clothes so I just borrowed some of Kirsten's. "There are no spare rooms so you'll have to sleep on the floor in Kirsten's room," I here behind me while I was brushing my hair. I tried not to jump this time and it worked a little. "Yes, Ma'am," I say only giving eye contact in the mirror. After she left the bathroom I calmed down a little bit. Kirsten's mom was creepy.

        I went to Kirsten's room and she was writing in some book. "Watcha got there?" I ask. She jumped and closed the book. "N-Nothing," She says. I was kinda curios but I didn't think much of it. "So you mom said that I have to sleep on the floor in here," I say. "Ok. I'll get a sleeping bag and some blankets for you," She says before scurrying out the room. While waiting I almost felt like seeing what she was writing in. I didn't want to be snoopy though so I just sat down on her bed and waited. 

        A few minutes later she came back in with a sleeping bag, two blankets, and  pillow. "I wasn't sure how cold it would get so I got two blankets instead of just one," She said. "Thanks," I say. I set up the sleeping bag and just laid down on top of it. "What time is it?" I ask. "Kirsten checks her phone. "9:50, we still have about 10 minutes until I have to go to bed," She says. "I usually go to bed around ten anyways," I say. We talk until 10 and then go to bed. "Night," I say. "Night," She says. Kirsten continues to write in that book for a few more minutes. before going to sleep.

Author's note:

Hey guys. Sorry for not writing in a while. I kinda got distracted with other things. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a nice day!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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