𝟎𝟑. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞

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THE DEMON GLARED DOWN AT THE SPRITE THAT DANCED BENEATH HIS BALCONY. He'd always viewed the creature with annoyance. Whether she realized it or not, she was a large reason behind why it had taken him so long to procure the materials for his curse. He could feel he was minutes away from holding the power within the palm of his hand to destroy everything. He took a deep breath, but his patience had dissipated the instant that he had set his sights on her.

Her grace and beauty had such an effect on the surrounding world that life radiated from within her. Her beaming smile could light up the stars themselves. It was just about impossible to find any fault at all within the creature.

He started to turn away when he was drawn back by the sound of her melodic voice. She spoke in an ancient language that only few understood, and anyone eavesdropping on the conversation between the two would have only heard the chime of bells and the crash of cymbals.

"I know what you're up to, oh mighty demon."

He raised an eyebrow. "Then why do you stay?"

The Sprite was quiet for a moment. She closed her eyes and lifted her chin toward the heavens. The demon opened his mouth to speak but the sprite lifted a finger and shushed him. "Listen... where the winds calls me I go. When the trees dance, I follow. And when the stars speak, I answer."

"I see you haven't changed."

The Sprite shook her head. "I am always changing. It is you who remains the same... there is still time. You do not have to make this decision."

"I'm the only one brave enough to make this decision," the demon snapped, quickly interrupting her. "You will not persuade me to change my mind. The time has come for the tendrils of darkness to spread across the world once more."

The Sprite sighed and lowered her eyes back to the ground. "Then I can not save you from the grave you dig for yourself."

The demon scoffed and laughed. "I'm not the one that needs saving."

"This will not end favorably for you." The Sprite shook her head. There was a sadness in her eyes almost like she pitied the demon. "I'm afraid if you continue, I can no longer intercede on your behalf."

He scoffed at her final warning, crossing her arms as he turned his back to her. She sighed as the wind called out to her, reminding her that time was running out. She lifted her arms and like blossoms in the spring, floated away in a stream of dancing petals. Once certain she was gone, the demon looked up toward the sky. The temperature instantly dropped with the Sprite's departure, as if life could not survive in her absence. The unwelcome atmosphere of peace also vanished, reminding him of the war at hand. He stormed back inside the decrepit walls of his fortress. He'd waited long enough, it was time for the darkness to rise now.

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MAYOR WRAITH FROWNED AS HE STARED UP AT THE ELEGANTLY CRAFTED SIGN. He could already feel his sinuses stuffing up just being near. He took one last breath of fresh air before passing the point of no return as he entered the store. The bell overhead chimed to notify the employees that a customer had entered the shop; however, no one greeted him. He grumbled under his breath and walked toward the back where the shopkeeper would certainly be found.

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