the following day

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the full night you couldn't sleep at all. you felt so guilty about what happened between you and Matt but you didn't know if you regretted it... you knew at the end of the day it was always gonna be Chris but things were complicated and if you guys were meant to be why was it so hard ?

you moped around a little and finally got the courage to message him.


hey..  did you get in ok ?

i know you don't wanna
talk to me rn and i completely
understand. please when your
ready give me a call or text. i
hope your okay and again i'm
so sorry Chris.

you layer in bed for a few hours just hoping for a response from him but you never got one.
mom: Gabriella !!
you: yeah mom
mom: get ready baby we have a meeting soon
you: okay i will

you dragged yourself out of bed and got ready for this meeting. it was pretty important. you had a zoom call with Mark
(the fashion guy if you don't remember)
and a few other people involved in modelling. you finished off getting ready then joined your mom in her office to do the zoom call.

sturniolo household
*reality show vibes*

Chris hasn't left his room all day one because she was so hungover and two because he couldn't face Matt right now he wasn't ready. Matt felt awful about what he done to Chris but he didn't regret it at all because he'd had feelings towards you fiancé the very beginning. Chris lay in bed still asleep but his phone had stayed in, Nick went into Chris's room to look for a shirt
Nick: hey have yo-
he saw that Chris was sleeping but his phone was making noise. he walked over and seen an edit of you and Chris on his phone.
Nick: awww.. wait-
he knew that meant you guys had fallen out so he rushed back to his room and called you, you were on the zoom meeting so you didn't answer. Nick was chilling in his room and Matt came in
Matt: hey have you edited the video ?
Nick: yeah
Matt: oh cool !
Matt turned to leave
Nick: wait..
Matt: yeah ?
Nick: did something happen with Gabriella and Chris ?
Matt thought for a few seconds on whether to tell Nick or not, in a moment of panic he lied
Matt: not that i know off... how ?
Nick: aww it's nothing 
Matt: ahhh
Matt slowly walked to his room and played his video games. Matt had so much guilt in him that he didn't know what to do. he felt mad at himself for hurting Chris and he felt even more mad at the fact he didn't regret it at all...

eventually Chris woke up, he just lay staring at the ceiling trying to comprehend everything that happened last night. he didn't remember much all he remember was fighting someone, you helping him, finding out about the kiss, flipping out and all memory from there on was gone. he wanted to cry and he didn't understand why he was so hurt by a stupid kiss. he went on his phone to see your message but he didn't have it in him to reply right now. Chris forced himself out of bed and to the kitchen to eat some cereal. he was sitting at the table eating when Matt walked down the hall, when he saw Chris he came to a total halt, Chris looked up for a second then quickly back down at his bowl

Matt: look bro.. i'm sorry. it's all on me ok ?
Chris didn't say anything
Matt: i get your mad ok but i can't take back what happened and i get you don't wanna talk rn so i'll just leave you be

Matt walked away and Chris continued eating. he wanted to just give Matt a hug and move on but he did something fucked up and it did hurt him for some reason he didn't even know himself but it fucked his head up. Chris went back to his bed and went on his phone and all he seen was #Chriabella #gabris edits everywhere. that obviously didn't help matters.

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