The Oak Tree

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Requested by@Youngjustice11626. Thanks for the great idea!

Disclaimer: This story will take place during and after the movie, so you and Luisa will both be 17 in the beginning. 

You settled down by the large oak tree next to the stream, as you did every day at this hour for the past two years, and pulled out your book.

You skimmed over the words nonchalantly, uninterested in them. Finally, when you heard the crunch of feet walking on grass, you sat up a little bit. As expected, the strongest Madrigal child marched into view, a few boulders balanced on her shoulders. She walked proudly, like she had everything under control.

She probably did.

Your eyes followed her as she stomped past, smiling at how tall she stood. You tried to wave, but grew too nervous and eventually leaned your back against the tree, sighing.

"Why can't you just talk to her?" you grumbled angrily to yourself. "You're usually not even that shy."

A few hours passed, and you soon managed to interest yourself in the book, nearly not noticing when Luisa came trekking back from her chores with a few donkeys in her arms, not even somewhat tired looking.

You can do it, you thought to yourself, summoning courage. Just a wave.

When she was finally able to see you, you shyly lifted your hand and smiled at her. She nearly walked right past you, but saw your uplifted hand and grinned, waving back, before continuing on with a bounce in her step.

"Yes!" you quietly cheered, pumping your fist in the air. You gazed down at your hand, smiling wider than you had in a while. "She noticed me."

You pushed yourself to your feet, tucking the book under your arm and starting to skip home.

"Stop that," you scolded yourself, forcing yourself to walk normally, not bothering to hide the joyful expression on your face.

Soon you had arrived at the small tumble-down shack you and your family lives in, ducking slightly to get through the tiny doorway.

"I'm home!" you called, peering around the corner into the kitchen.

"(Y/N)'s back!" your little 14-year-old sister Cecilia cried, racing over to hug you.

"Hey (Y/N)," your brother Mateo, who was 18, called from the stove where he stood making soup. "Supper's almost ready, and Mama and Papa will be home in a moment. You can sit."

You settled down on one of the chairs, Cecilia eagerly sitting beside you.

"Sooooo," she said teasingly, resting her chin on her hand and leaning in. "Have you finally talked to Luisa yet?"

Your face grew red and you rolled your eyes, smiling nonetheless.

"Believe it or not, I waved at her," you said haughtily. "And she waved back."

Cecilia squealed.

"Mateo!" she shrieked as your parents walked in, covering their ears. "(Y/N) finally interacted with Luisa!"

Your parents' confused smiles faded when they heard that, turning to look at you with a scowl.

"(Y/N)," your father began slowly. "We know you have a little crush on her, but..."

"I don't!" you spit quickly, clenching your teeth with embarrassment. "I just want to be her friend."

"Either way," your mother cut in, "she's a very... muscly girl, you know. And we don't want you to be around her that often, necessarily. She could be dangerous."

You groaned, rolling your eyes.

"Mama, she's a Madrigal. Madrigals are here to help people. Plus, she's done a lot of things for us and the rest of Encanto. She might look tall and scary, but she's really nice."

"How do you know?" your papa asked suspiciously. "Have you been talking to her?"

You laughed without any humor.

"I wish."

"Oh, (Y/N)," your mama said sadly. "No more talking to her, alright? If that's all you're going to do during the day, we'll give you chores like Cecilia, or get you a job at the bakery like Mateo. We're trusting you to read your books and study, and instead you're chasing after a Madrigal girl? You're going to be 18 in a year. You need to act like it."

You ducked your head, chastised.

"Sorry, Mama. Papa. I'll do better."

"Good!" Mateo cried as he walked in, labeling out soup. "Then you can get that job as a teacher, like you've always wanted."

You forced a smile, nodding.

When you were younger, your dream had been to be a teacher. But now,  after two years of watching her walk by, your dream was to know everything about Luisa Madrigal.

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