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                           " Elyse, wake up you useless piece of shit! It's time to get up, people are hungry and don't want to be late." My brother Henley kicked me awake. Like he literally kicked me in my stomach. The sad thing is I am used to it. If you're wondering why my brother would wake me up like that, the answer is simple. He hates me. Just like the rest of the pack. I have been the pack's slave and punching bag since I was ten. I'm treated lower than an Omega, and they are treated like shit. Eight years ago, I woke up and my parents had disappeared. There was no note or a single trace of where they went. There wasn't even a whiff of their scent in the house. It was like they just poofed into thin air while we slept. They were our pack's head warriors; which means they know how to fight so they wouldn't be taken so easily and cleanly. Because of that Henley and I had to move into the pack house since we had not other family to take care of us. That was when the abuse started. At first it was just verbal. People would call me ugly, fat, useless, unlovable, weak, pretty much anything they could think of to put me down and degrade me. I started to doubt myself and started believing what they would say.

                         When I turned thirteen, that's when the abuse turned physical. You see, on a wolf's thirteenth birthday they are supposed to have their first shift. When my birthday came and went without me shifting they decided I was useless and was a disgrace. They started to beat me because I was a weakling. First, it was with their hands and kicking me; slamming me into walls or lockers if they were really mad. As I got older they got creative, they would use silver tipped knives and cut my arms, legs and stomach. The silver delays any healing, wolves have a fast healing ability. When I tried to stand up for myself that was when I would be publicly whipped and yes the tip of the whip was silver coated. I've been whipped five different times and the amount always varied, I think the most I got was 55 lashes.

              Little did anyone know but I actually shifted three years prior, it was about a week after my parents disappeared. I was all alone and it was so painful that I almost died. Once I shifted, my wolf, Aurora, told me not to tell anyone about it because it would put me in danger. Aurora was able to hide her scent so no one would detect her. She helped ease some of the pain from the abuse but I wouldn't let her take all of it. That's how I became their slave that cooked and cleaned for everyone else.

               I climbed off of my make shift bed in the cell I called my room. It was really just two sleeping bags on concrete that I laid on and covered myself with a holely comforter. My room was in the deepest part of the basement. It was always cold and damp. It used to be the holding cells for rogues and other criminals; but they built a new building for them. This is where our Alpha thought I belonged, somewhere away from everyone else. I climbed up the stairs to the first floor where the only bathroom I was allowed to use was. I did my morning routine and all that I could think of was the fact that tomorrow was my eighteenth birthday, the day I've been waiting for since I was a little girl. The day when I am able to find my mate. The one person made for me, the other half of my soul. The person that would love me no matter what and protect me from any pain. The moon goddess paired mates together for a reason, they are supposed to make each other stronger. As I finished making the pack's breakfast I said one more prayer to the goddess that my mate would be from a different pack so he could whisk me away from the hell I'm in now.

                      I was lost in my thoughts as I walked back to my cell; I don't even call it my room because it's really not one. I wasn't paying attention causing me to bump into a hard chest. Losing my balance, I fell backwards and landed on my ass, hard. I'm usually good at paying attention to my surroundings so that things like this don't happen. I mumbled an apology and started to get up only to be stopped because of the sudden lost of breath. I felt the throbbing pain in my stomach where I was kicked, again. I looked up with blurry vision to see who I pissed off this time. I was greeted with the green eyes of none other than our future Beta, Caspian Pierce. He was one of my main abusers. Looking at him earned me another kick that had me coughing up blood, he probably broke one of my ribs, again.

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