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We walked to the destination in silence. Both of us stuck in our own heads. For the last two years I have improved and excelled in everything I did. I'm stronger, faster and smarter now. I've made friends and finally had the family I always wanted. I finally have everything I've ever wanted except him; I glanced over at him and sighed in my head. He was perfect. The blonde part of his hair still fell in his face, it always looks so soft, begging me to run my hands through it. His heart stopping crystal blue eyes, eyes that always pierce my soul when he's looking at me, were looking forward in concentration. His tan body was toned and had muscles in all the right places and not too bulky looking, it was perfection; I've seen him without a shirt on, and he is definitely drool-worthy. When they talk about a Greek god, they are talking about him. And he still keeps his nails painted and last year he got his tongue pierce while I got my 'girls' pierced. Then there's him as a person. He's so kind and caring, always so soft and gentle; never letting his anger get the best of him. He has a great sense of humor and his laugh is adorable. We've grown close since I've been here, he's definitely one of my best friends. I wish he would love me like I love him though but I know he has a mate out there somewhere and I would never come between that. I know how it feels and I would never put another person through that. But every time I think of him with someone else I get angry and possessive, it causes my heart to ache, and I want to punch things. I don't know why I feel like this, it's not like he is my mate. 'We can hope though.' Aurora chuckled. Her and Danny have gotten close too. She definitely is crushing on them just like me. It's odd for wolves that aren't mates or family to have a connection without a bond of some kind, let alone talk to one another. But ours have, same with Rylie, Ry and Zey as well, and we have no clue why.

'We can't get our hopes up.'

'He could be our second chance mate.' Not this again, she always goes to that and I have to be the voice of reason because second chance mates only happen when the person's mate dies before they find them.

"We're here." his voice brought me out from arguing with Aurora. I focused my eyes and gasped at the sight. It was the clearing he found me at two years ago. It looked the same as it did then.

"Cor, it's where you saved me." I smiled with tears in my eyes. He grabbed my hand and it made my heart beat faster. He pulled me towards a blanket and basket that I didn't notice before. We are having a picnic. Aurora was swooning in my head. As we sat down, he started to pull things out of the basket. We ate in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company. He had gotten pizza from my favorite place in town. And for dessert, chocolate covered strawberries, my absolute favorite. We laughed as we tried to feed each other as we made a chocolaty mess, it was amazing until we cleaned up and realized we were done with the food. I looked at him only to see him look worried. "Is something wrong?" He stopped and looked at me. I couldn't figure out what the look was that was across his face but I've seen it before. Many times and usually when he was looking at me. I cast my gaze down, one of the habits I couldn't break. I do it when I'm scared or nervous. I felt his warm hands on each side of my face as he brought my head level with his, staring into the eyes that always hold me captive. He dropped his gaze to my lips and I held my breath. Is he going to kiss me? Aurora was practically drooling and yipping in excitement. Our faces were so close that, one more inch closer and it would happen. He leaned his forehead against mine, closed his eyes and finally spoke.

"As much as I want to kiss you right now, I have something to tell you." he backed his face up and dropped his hands.

"You want to kiss me?" My eyes widened as I realized I had said that out loud. He chuckled.

"I've wanted to kiss you since the day you woke up Kitten." he deadpanned. And me being the idiot that I am and having a bad case of word vomit at really bad times, had to fuck up the moment by speaking.

"Why?" was all I asked. He sighed and caressed my cheek as I stared at him.

"Because ever since we've met I've felt drawn to you. I found myself falling in love with you. And as much as I want to continue this conversation, I need to tell you something that might change everything." He looked into my eyes, his filling with sadness. I waited for him continue and grabbed his hands in mine. I could hear his heart racing so I intertwined our fingers and gave him a squeeze, telling him it was okay. I don't think there is anything he can say that would change how I feel about him. "The Royals called and asked us to go train and help a pack that has been having a rogue problem. And I need you there with us because you are our best fighter and trainer." Oh, this was about business. I sighed as my hope left.

"Of course I'll be there. This is my pack too. Also, I am the head warrior so it would look bad if I'm not there. What pack is it?" As soon as I asked, I felt his whole body stiffen. Thinking he smelled someone around I sniffed the air but didn't smell anyone. I looked at him with my eyebrow raised. "Cor, what's wrong?" I squeezed his hand again. He refused to look me in the eyes so instead he pulled a me and looked at the ground. Then he said the words I never wanted to hear.

"It's the Crimson Moon pack." he whispered but because of wolf hearing of course I heard it. My breath caught in my throat and I started shaking. I never wanted to go back there and I never, ever wanted to see any of them ever again. While, all the memories triggered my PTSD that Doctor Luke said I suffer from. I took a breath and thought rationally, I am not that girl anymore. I am stronger now and I'll be there with my family, who loves me. It's a big deal for the Royals to call us in, plus Corbyn was right, I am the best fighter. I can do this.

"Okay. When do we leave?" he looked at me like I was a crazy person and maybe I am.

"What? Are you sure? Because you don't have to if you don't want to." This time I held the sides of his face and looked into his eyes so that he could see that I am serious.

"You'll be with me so I know I'll be fine. Like you said, I am the best." He looked at me with wide eyes, clearly he wasn't expecting this reaction or answer.

"We leave in 10 hours. And I will be with you the whole time." he tried to smile. I needed a change in topic so I asked him.

"Can we go back to you wanting to kiss me?" I smiled at him, and he was the one to blush this time.

"I'm in love with you Kitten. But I'm worried that when he sees you he will try to get you back and that because of the bond that you will want him too." He loves me. He said he loves me. Aurora was purring like crazy and before I knew it I was straddling him and pulled his face to mine until our lips connected. It took him a moment to realize what happened. When he did he put his arms around me and pulled my body closer to his as he deepened the kiss. It was soft but passionate. He nipped at my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I let his tongue explore my mouth. Goddess, he tasted so good. I loved the feeling of our tongues fighting for dominance, which he won of course. My hands made their way up to his hair, I grabbed his soft locks that I always dreamt about feeling, and tugged making him growl into the kiss. I smiled against his lips. Heaven is his lips and I never wanted to leave them. But alas, we had to breath so we pulled apart.

"Wow......" he panted. That was some first kiss, I'm glad he was my first; I blushed at the thought. I turned around so I was sitting in between his legs as he held me with his chin on my shoulder, and we watched the sunset. Aurora hummed in content. Everything was perfect. That's when I sat straight up as I remembered what was going to happen in 1 hours.


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