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Second person pov:

It was only yesterday that the short yet handsome male had forcfully gotten your name. You didn't know what he'd do with the information nor did you care really. Your name was a unique one due to your parents naming you after a passed adepti but to you, it was just a name.

At the moment you were off to do a favor for someone you knew. Nothing special, just picking out some ingredients for smiley yanxiao. You kind of owed him after he let you eat some food for free yesterday. He was an interesting man, always what you'd call grumpy or rude but he had his moments of kindness.

He just needed a few things, mushrooms and chillies.

After a bit of walking around, you finally saw it. Some mushrooms and some freshly grown chillies. You smiled to yourself as you walked over to chillies. As you made your way over to the chillies you were stopped by someone, well more like something. An arrow, right where your next step should have been.

You groaned to yourself as you knew what it was, a hilichurl camp. Just a few hilichurls, about 4 of them. Now, you weren't no awesome swordsmen or anything, but you were decent enough to fend them off. Sighing to yourself you take out your sword and absolutely obliterate the beings, though they manage to get a scar on your dominant hand.

After you get rid of them all you look at your hand to see a bit of blood oozing from it, groaning in pain you have no choice but to be more careful. You didn't have any medical supplies on you so you just had to get the job over with quicker.

Just as you were about to leave you heard something, something big approaching you. You turn back and see a big lawlachurl approaching you.

"Oh...I'm so dead." You mumbled as the creature walked closer.

Now if your hand weren't injured, you could have figured a way to make it out of this situation alive, but the scar was pretty big and you were barely able to even hold your sword.

You put your hands up in defense and tried to reason with the creature.

But to no surprise, the creature just kept getting closer.

"Oh Rex Lapis, I know I'm not the most obedient child, I talk back to my parents, and lie from time to time but I promise if you could just look down on me this once, I'll listen to my parents and I won't lie anymore." You silently prayed.

You were sure the Lord of your birth land would look down on you, yet no sign of help arrived your way.

"You know what, forget Rex Lapis. I'll pray to every single God in Teyvat and whichever one answers my prayers, I will start worshiping from now on." You mumbled in frustration.

Well, this is it. You're about to die.

You just give up at this point. Looks like no one's out here to help. Even if someone was here, who would help you? This thing is horrifying.

Ready to be crushed by this monster you just stand there, hopelessly.

But in a swift moment you saw something or someone.

Your eyes went wide.

Well looks like you're not dying today.

Now that you have a clear sight of it, it was a person. The same guy from Wangshu Inn. Never have you been so happy to see someone.

You saw the man attacking the lawlachurl from left and right.

Swift movements and just like that the creature fell to its knees and disappeared.

You were amazed by how effortlessly he took the lawlachurl out.

You run up to the man that stood there.

"Thank you so much!" You yell.

He doesn't say anything.

"I really don't know what I would have done if it weren't for you. I mean of course I could have handled it myself but I hurt my hand while fighting a few hilichurls so haha. Don't get me wrong, you were great and all but" You started to mumble.

He doesn't take notice of a thing you're saying but instead asks you,

"Is your hand alright?" As he stared at your hand, which had blood spilling out of it.

"Oh my hand? Yeah it's fine I'll just bandage it up once I get back." You say as you stare at it.

"Okay." He said before he disappeared once again.

"Wow, not even a goodbye." You mumbled to yourself.

You felt bad for being sort of rude yesterday, I mean you owed him a proper apology and a much more genuine thank you. Maybe you should get him a gift to show your gratitude.

After a while you look down at your hand which is getting worse so you decide to take a napkin you had from the basket you were picking mushrooms and chilies from and put it over the wound.

You applied pressure to it in hopes of stopping the bleeding.

After a while you decide to leave because you have gotten everything you needed.

As you were making your way back, you couldn't stop thinking about the rather petite man. I mean you're not so tall yourself so I guess you can't really talk. But you still wondered who he was and more importantly, why does he always disappear.

"I'm not boring am I?" You thought to yourself.

"No, couldn't be. I mean I'm the most fun person I know so that can't be the reason." You mumbled to yourself.

"You know what I'll just ask the lady at the Inn, Verr Goldet." You sigh.

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