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Haha I totally didn't leave my readers for a year :(

"Oh my bad I meant the one you loved. I'm gonna assume she was an adepti?" You ask in a questionly way.

Second person POV:

"So why did you start serving Rex Lapis?" You ask.

It's been 3 days, you leave tomorrow and you decided to spend your last full day here with your new friend.

"He saved me." He answered.

Saved him? You didn't want to pry but you were curious.

"I see. Well then can you tell me about a few other adeptis?" You change questions.

"Other adeptis? Well there's, Moon Carver, Mountain, Cloud Retainer, Ganyu-"

"Hey, isn't that Liyue Qixing's secretary?" You question.

"Yeah, she's half human half adeptis."

"That's cool! Now tell me about that one."


"Yes, she was."

"OO what was her name?"

Xiao's POV:

"OO what was her name?" She questions me.

I'd never tell her. She'd laugh in my face if she knew that it was the adeptus Y/N.

"Why should I tell you?" I responded.

"Well good point. I'll tell you who I dated if you tell me what your mysterious love woman's name is." She offered a 'deal' to me.

I was about to answer but was it worth knowing. It's not like she's dating them right now, so does it matter.

"Come on, it's a pretty good deal." She pushes me.

"Why would I care about your past lovers? It's not like you're currently dating." I cross my arms.

"Well most of my 'past lovers' are from Mondstadt. What if I go back and one of them ends up winning my heart back. I would have to tell you some of them in case if that happens I can get your approval, no?" She states.

"Why would you need my approval?"

"Because.. You're an adeptus and it should be important to get your approval." She tried to come up with something.

"I see and if I don't approve then what?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms.

"Then I'll still date them because I love them..." She mumbles.

"Then what's the point of getting my approval?" I furrow my brows.

"Um anyways, you gonna tell me or not?"

"No. There is no reason for you to know about my past."

"Aw, you suck. Thought we were friends."

I sighed and got off the floor.

"I don't have time for this."

Second person POV:

"I don't have time for this." Xiao said as he got up.

"What, wai-" You tried to call out to him but he already vanished.

Dang. That kinda sucked. Why'd he just leave like that? You even spent your last day in Liyue with him instead of your parents or friends. What a jerk.

Now what, that's right! You forgot to book a room at the Inn. You figured it would be easier to just leave tomorrow morning from the Inn. Then your trip would be faster.

You walk downstairs and get a room.


It was already starting to get a little darker.

The sun was about to start setting. The sky was a pretty purple color.

You thought it would be a good idea to get water before going to sleep so you got your water and read a book till it was around 10 pm. Now you have started falling asleep.


Morning already. You woke up on instinct surprisingly.

You looked at the sky and felt it was about time to start leaving. You packed your things and got changed into a traveling outfit.

You walked downstairs and waved to Verr goldet.

"Wait, Y/N!" She called out to you.

"Yeah?" You turned.

"I have something for you." She said getting a piece of paper from her pocket.

"What is it?"

"Someone left this for you." She says handing you the piece of paper.

"Oh thank you." You said and started to walk out.

Once you got on the road you opened the note and looked.

"Have a safe trip" It read, signed by the petite male.

You smiled to yourself, putting the note in your pocket.


How many hours. Close to 12 with the amount of breaks you took, wondering if you should just head back to Liyue. But you made it. You booked your room, and the first thing you wanted to do was go see one of your closest friends, Kaeya! You knew exactly where he would be right about now—the tavern. But you had time to spare, so you took a quick little nap.

At around 8 you were at the doors of the tavern. Gosh, were you excited.

Opening the doors, you were met with the back of a very familiar male. His long blue hair is tied back with an eye patch over his eye. You went from behind.

"Hi" You said with a grin on your face.

"Y/N!" He said as he hugged you.

Now, you have to admit when you guys first became friends, you did have a small crush on him.

"I didn't know you were back!" He yelled a bit too loud.

"Yeah!" You sat beside him.

"What made you return so soon? Not that I'm complaining." Hesmiled, and right before you could answer, you had another question thrown at you.

"What will it be Y/N?" A redheaded male asked.

Master Diluc, thought you guys aren't friends you could call yourselves acquaintances.

"Apple Cider, please." You gave a close-eyed smile.


"Oh, how rude you just interrupted Y/N and I's conversation." Kaeya put on a fake pout. As aresponse, all he got was a dramatic eye roll from Diluc.

You laughed at their little interaction. And not long after you had Venti, the notorious bard, walk in and give an 'outstanding' performance, half-wasted. You giggled as he tried to persuade Master Diluc for free drinks.

And just like that, your night was filled with laughter, alcohal, and an unfamiliar feeling. Usually you call Mondstadt your as you never feel sadness here but you had this feeling of unfamiliarity. It felt like you were lonely, even in the place you call home. Just what was it?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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