How you met

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LOUIS : You worked in a coffee shop down the street from your place ,Lindey's Coffee,.You heard the bell ring from the door "Hello welcome to Lindey's Coffee what can I get you" you stopped polishing the counter and put the rag away. Then you look up at the customer "I'll cave a caramel frappe ".He said without looking up from his phone.Then finally he turned off the phone and he put it in his pocket then he looked up at you and said "with your name and number!" You laugh for a while "Sure I'll write it on your cup.And my name is Y/N"He had a huge smile on his face and so did you.You start making his coffee then you wrote your number with a sharpie in a corner of the cup and give it to him with your number and name. Then he said "pass me the sharpie yeah?"you gave it to him and then he said "give me your arm" you haned out your arm to Louis and he wrote his number on your arm."Maybe we could hang out some time" "I'd love to"you said.You and louis talked on the phone for hours before going to sleep and you went to meany meany meany dates.

HARRY:You where really stressed out because you had tones and tones of home work and only had 3-4 hours of sleep.Finally you decided to go to a park.You went to a tree with shade and laid on the floor."Oh I'am sorry I Didnt know eny body else come here" you recognized that voice you heard it every day while you listen to music.You quickly got up and looked at him."Hear let me help you up" he said while handing out his hand.You grab his hand and he help you get up."Harry" he said "I know HUGE fan"you said"and you are ..." "Oh right I'am Y/N" "well nice to meet you Y/N would you like to walk around the park with me" "I'd love to" You and harry walk around the park for hours and had a blast talking about your self and laughing .Before he dropped you off at your house you to exchanged numbers and went on meany dates.

LIAM:You and 2 friends where all at the fair.You where all exited to go to the fairest wheel.So you 3 get in line and wait for your turn.You liked sitting in the corner so you let them go infront of you.When it was your turn you 3 where gonna sit in 1 seat.But the guy letting you in put his hands on the ride and said "Woow easy there little lady only 2 people per seat" "What that sucks"you said pretty mad "Sorry the rules are the rules" "Yeah I guess so" you then wait and sit in the next available seat.Then this kid comes and sits with you. "Oh god"you said "what this will be fun I'am Liam"he hands out his hand for you to shake it"iam Y/N" you and liam started talking about your life and had the best minutes ever before getting out of the ride you exchanged number.And you headed back to your friends and told them all about liam.

NIALL : You where at a roller skating rink.This really cute boy with blonde hair and pretty blue eyes came into the rink.You couldn't keep your eyes off him.You didn't know where you were going because your eyes where to focused on that kid.You fell straight on your back.You where surprise when the cute boy with blonde hair and beautiful eyes hands out his hand and helps you get up.But as you pulled your self up someone bumped into the blonde boy and he fell as well as you did.You both laugh for a good 5 minutes caching your breath every 30 seconds .Finally he helped you up and said "I'am Niall" "I'am Y/N" You and Niall hang all arrowed the roller rink for an hour before you to exchanged numbers and you called each other every night for hours.

ZAYN:You and your friends where at a smoothie place ,Groovy Smoothie, when they finally gave you your drink you where walking out of the door.And a boy ran into you.Making you spill your strawberry and banana smoothie all over you"WHAT THE HECK MAN!!!!!" " Oh my god i am so so so sorry" He ran to the store and came back with 15 napkins.He gave them to you so you could clean the stain."thank you" you said "I'am so so so so so so sorry I didn't mean to" "umm...Yeah uh it uh was an accident." "but rea-" before he could finish you said "no no it's ok" he took out 10 bucks from his pocket and he handed to you "I'am sorry hear you could go buy yourself another one" "no no really it's ok" "umm here " he gave you a paper with his name and number on it "I hope I could make it up to you" "I'am Y/N" then you gave him a paper with your number on it."Zayn" he hand out his hand and you shakes it. You and Zayn called each other every day and hung out every week.


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