Chapter 1 - Case Files

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Before I actually begin, I just want to apologize in advance for slow updates. 

I caught C - 19 a while ago, and I've been feeling awful since (big surprise). 

I'll post every time I feel better, which I'll be honest, hasn't happened in a while. Also, there's the whole still having to do online school even though I'm dying situation, so I won't even have extra time to work on this either. 

It'll be a tight schedule, especially since I get nauseous easily when reading, but I'll try my best.

I hope that whoever reads this, if anyone ever does, understands. 

P.S This was made just for fun, please don't expect anything amazing.


For the past few days, it's been extremely busy in the office. Everywhere you look, you see a person working. Victor hates and loves days like these. Everyone being busy means that he can go off to do whatever he wants without being caught, though it also means that it's extremely loud and chaotic, making it almost impossible to relax. 

Sleep is the most common thing you'll catch Victor doing during work hours, however, when he isn't sleeping, he's outside taking a smoke. Victor doesn't think that he can stand being in the office for much longer. All the chaotic energy and the stress from it makes him want to go smoke outside. 

____Earlier That Day____

Matilda, like every other morning, comes into work as early as ever, coffee in hand and smile shining brightly as ever. Matilda loves coming into work early, it makes her feel like she's on top of everything. 

Like every other day, Matilda starts it off by cleaning up Mr. Annora's desk, which always ends up unkept by the end of work hours, with wrappers and empty yogourt cups strewn around the area. 

Being around Mr. Annora's desk reminded Matilda of the newest case that she was working on. 'The Missing Children's Incident' is a case that Matilda has been working on for a week now, and has yet to close it off. She tried her best to figure things out on her own, but she's just an assistant, she can only do so much. She wasn't taught how to work on cases alone, she was taught to help and assist the detective on the job. 

"Awh man, I really didn't want to bother him, but I have no choice." She couldn't help but sigh. 

Oh, well. She thought. She knows that she can't just ignore this case, and she was bound to have to tell him eventually. 

Matilda really hates bothering Mr. Annora. 

____Present Time____

After searching the whole building, Matilda still couldn't find Mr. Annora. Not long after she had remembered the case files, she agreed to herself that she would ask for his help later this day, only to not be able to find him. 

"I could've sworn I saw him getting some yogourt earlier." Without a doubt, Mr. Annora is in today. 

Then it clicked, he's outside. Matilda should've known that from the very beginning. After she started to work for Mr. Annora, she had made sure to pay attention to his habits, as his personal assistant she should be able to know these things. It makes her job easier knowing. And yet she forgot that on chaotic days like these, he spends almost all of his time outside, usually smoking and eating random snacks. 

Opening the doors and looking from side to side, she finds him sitting on a bench that sits against the left side of the building. 

"Finally, I've been looking all over the place for you, Mr. Annora!" She exclaimed while walking towards the bench. 

"Oh, it's you." He sighed, dropping his cigarette to the ground and stomping on it. 

"Haha, yeah it's me, uh I was hoping that we could talk, inside?" 

"Tell me here, make it quick." 

Jeez, guess he's in a bad mood today, more than usual. Matilda couldn't help but think. 

"Okay okay," she hands him the case files, "You see, I've been working on this case that was assigned to you, and I've been having a lot of trouble with it, and it's a very important case, so I thought that you could help me with this one." 

"You thought wrong," he hands the case files back, "Ask someone else."

"Mr. Annora, you seem to have forgotten that this case was given to you, if people find out that I, Matilda Cosimo, your assistant have been working on it on their own, you could get in serious trouble." For once, Matilda wasn't going to back down. 

Mr. Annora sighs, "Fine, I'll take a look at it later." 

"Oh, thank you! I knew that you'd help!" She couldn't help but smile brightly at him. 

"Whatever, shoo." 

____Later That Day____

The end of the day, Victor's favourite part of his job. As he was about to lock all of his cabinets, he notices a case file laying on his desk. 

What's this?  Oh.

The case files that Matilda had given him. He told her that he would take a look at them. She did mention how important it was, maybe he should.

'The Missing Children's Incident'

Date : June 26th

Kids vanish at local pizzeria - bodies not found  

A total of 5 kids went missing at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza

Gabriel *****

Susie *******

Fritz ****

Jeremy ********

Cassidy ******

"Yeah, that's enough of that for tonight." Sighing, he puts the case files into his top cabinet and locks it. 

What a fucked up thing to happen at a family diner. He couldn't help but think. 

This'll be the first case he's worked on for years. 


I was not expecting this to be so hard to write lol

Who knew writing and coming up with ideas would be this difficult, we don't give writers enough credit.

Any who, things will get more interesting, I hope. That is if I write things correctly lol

Okay, bye bye. 

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