8. New ally😎

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Krithi's POV:

We were fruitful with our first attempt. Shreyas has asked Rohit to accompany him for a walk and when Rohit had come to his room, he messaged us from the bathroom. He then took Rohit out and made an excuse saying he forgot his phone and went from there making Rohit be there alone.

Hardik, Sky, Rahul and rishabh made sure that no one went towards that side as long as Rohit was with Vamika. Because he would definitely give her away just like he did to Shreyas. But it was necessary for Shreyas to go as Rohit would definitely doubt if he made any further delay.


'So, successful with the first part of our plan.' said Rahul giving me a Hi-fi.

'Yes we are. What shall we do now?' asked Rishabh.

'Do you have the next idea as well?' asked Shreyas.

'No. I haven't thought of any.' I said.

'Did you click any pictures of Vamika and Ro?' asked SKY.

'Yes I have.' I grinned and took out my phone to show them the seven pictures I took.

'This one is the best.' said Rahul pointing at the picture where Rohit kissed her on her  cheek.

'I have thought I would never be able to see this. All thanks to you.' said Hardik getting a bit emotional. It was unusual of him.

'Yeah, so true.' agreed Rahul.

'I need to talk to you guys.' said Rithika.

We all froze seeing her there. We didn't expect her to come, at all. We were too numb to even reply.

'I know what's going on ' she continued.

'Wh- What?' Shreyas stammered.

'Your plan.' she said with a serious look on her face.

'I didn't get you.' Hardik managed to say.

She soon burst out into a smile calming all of us.

'Sorry, I was just fooling you guys. Though it's true that I know your plan ' she said.

'What plan?' I asked.

'The pictures you are showing to them. I am talking about that.' she said.

So she knew! But how?

'And relax guys. I am not here to spoil it or to warn you against it. You guys have my full support.' she said surprising us all.

'Really?' asked Rahul.

'Do you think I am happy seeing my Husband be so hurt. I always wanted them to reconcile. Because that's what Ro  truly wants and that's what gives him the happiness. He loves Virat as much as he loves me and Sammy. The happiness, the pain were all so evident on his face and behaviour after he came back to our room.' she said.

This is the kind of partner anyone truly needs!

'I love you bhabhi.' said Hardik and hugged her.

'Ro is so lucky to have you as his partner.' said Shreyas.

'But how did you find out?' I asked.

'Shrey suddenly asking him for a walk. Then disappearing. You coming out of nowhere with the baby and handing it to him and all just didn't seem like a mere coincidence. And here you guys are shouting about the picture. Anybody who's in my place would understand.' she said.

'Were we really shouting?' asked Sky.

'Yes you are. You guys are saved just because there's no one else here.' she said.

'So are you gonna help us in our plan?' I asked her just to confirm.

'Of course, I am gonna help. I just want my Ro to be happy as before.' she said.

'Then help us in deciding what to do next .' said Rishabh.

'If I could do it, I would just slap both of them and ask them to resolve their problems directly.' she said.

'Ro would not say no to you. You can tell him to talk to Virat right.' said Rahul.

'Yes. All these days, I thought you didn't like Virushka. But you want RohiRat to be together. You can directly talk to him right.' I suggested.

'Firstly she wouldn't know what RohiRat is.' said Rishabh.

'Who said that I don't know. I know what it means. It's all over on Instagram and all the posts in my explore page are of it.' she said.

'Oh, really? Then tell us what it means.' challenged Rishabh.

'It means Rohi from Rohit and Rat from Virat. ' she said.

'Thats really awesome bhabhi. Neither of us knew it until she said.' Shreyas said.

'I know everything that's going on, on instagram.' she said.

'What else is going on?' asked Rishabh.

'About you and Urvashi Rautela. And how she's obsessed with you.' she teased him.

'Aye aye Rishabh.' teased Hardik.

'What's going on between you two behind us?' asked Yuzi.

' Nothing is going on.I am a committed man.' he said.

' It's ok. Isha wouldn't mind.' said Hardik.

'Shut up Idiot. Don't spoil him like you. Everyone's not you to have multiple affairs.' Rahul scolded him.

'When did I have multiple affairs?' asked Hardik dramatically.

'Before Natasha. And we all know that. Stop this drama now.' said Shreyas.

'You guys, stop now. You are all a huge headache. What were we talking and where did you take the matter now. Do you have any seriousness at all in you?' she sounded irritated.

Everyone has became quiet.

'You only started about Urvashi.' said Rishabh.

'Yeah and now she's scolding us.' continued Hardik.

These guys are really brainless!

'Ok. Let's get back to the important topic.'  Shreyas said.

'Yeah. What shall we do now?' asked Rahul.

'Don't ask me all of that. I am not creative enough.' said Rithika.

'We are not making a painting to be creative.' said Yuzi.

'What? Really? I thought we were discussing about a painting.' she said Sarcastically.

'Think of any idea.' said Ishan.

'I'll definately give it a try. But guys don't keep any hopes on me. You all think of it seriously.' she said.

'Now that Rohit is done, what about Sammy?' Ishan asked.

'What?'  Rithika asked.

'A playdate. What do you think bhabi' Ishan said.

'Don't ask me. I don't know if it will work' she asked

'We are doing all this to reconcile your husband Rohit with his best friend Virat. And you are not at all interested in participating.' accused Yuzi.

'Don't shout. Anyone might hear us.' said Rithika.

'Too late for that. I have heard it already.' said a male voice.

We have all become numb again. Who would it be. The voice felt so familiar. We all turned towards him and got shocked seeing who it was.


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