Team Anchorage

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After eating Gipsy along side every Anchorage Jaeger went down to the area designated for them. "Well this is touché." Azure stated looking in at the room and Brawler had her arms crossed in front of her chest as she also looked in at the room.

"There's basically nothing in here." Tacid stated dryly as he noticed only a potted plant in the corner and a comfortable looking chair in another.

"We could decorate it." Sierra suggested as he walked into the room. Brooklynn glanced in briefly and then sneezed softly from the dust that was kicked up by the doors opening.

"There's a lot of dust in here." Brooklynn said after sneezing again. Tacid then walked into the room and looked over to see a flag hung up on the wall.

"This is from the Anchorage shatterdome." Tacid said as he looked at the flag and recognized it from his time in the Anchorage shatterdome.

"I wonder what else is in here." Sierra stated as he then checked the rest of the room out. "Hey guys check this out!" Sierra called out as he found and then opened another door to reveal a conjoined room.

"It looks like a weight lifting room." Gipsy stated looking in and seeing some exercising machines.

"And a video game room." Azure stated looking at a television with a video game console hooked up to a TV.

"Plus there's some books as well." Tacid added pointing out the book shelves on the other side of the room.

"I wonder if there's a mini fridge in here?" Chrome said looking around but he couldn't find one. The Canadian mark three had a saddened look on his face after that and he pouted silently.

"Can you think of anything other then food?" Brawler asked slightly annoyed and Sierra just groaned in annoyance but didn't say anything out loud.

"Lock it down all three of you." Tacid stated as he knew a fight was going to happen between teh three. 

"I wanna play some of these video games." Brooklynn said as she picked out a game. 

"Mario kart? Really?" Brawler asked clearly disinterested in the game but quickly shut up after noticing the glare Gipsy was shooting at her. 

Soon after playing several rounds of Mario kart. However somehow Brooklyn won all of the games and the jaegers were confused on how. "How?" Sierra just asked after Brooklynn had won again.

"I don't know actually." Brooklynn replied honestly. 

"Let's play another round." Gipsy said and they started another race. However in a laboratory two scientists were looking in a test tube. 

Inside was a teenage woman but something was different about her, she had hands and legs similar to a kaiju-jaeger-hybrid, her raven black hair with neon blue highlights was elbow length, and she was wearing a white and grey crop top and a white pair of shorts. There was also two spikes jutting out from her back and from her shoulders. "It's waking up." A scientist said as the hybrid's eyes snapped open and she looked around wildly. 

She then swung her fists at the glass and a spiderweb crack appeared on the glass and finally after three more punches it shattered. The teenager then bolted for the exit and she knocked out two guards with her fists and she ran to a ledge of a cliff and she jumped over a fence and into the water. 

However she hit her head on a rock and blacked out, were she drifted across the ocean until she washed up on the shores of the island the PPDC base the jaegers and campers were staying at were she was found by Nova Hyperion and Eden assassin later that day when they were walking on the beach. 

author note:

A kaiju-drone-jaeger-human-hybrid has finally appeared in the story, what will this mean when the campers encounter their first kaiju ever, even though this one is about as tall as Gipsy danger. Find out next time.

Anyways guys i hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you guys on the next one. 

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