Shrek and Trump pt.1

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Third person
As the sun shines through the window of a small hut thing on a lovely Tuesday morning, Shrek gets up and stretches. He gets up and decides he is going to take a walk in town for the first time in years. As he walks, he passes by a shop that sells TV's. He stops to take a look at what they are playing.

"blah blah blah president stuff blah blah blah," says a dorito person. Shrek stares in amazement. He is mesmerized by the beauty of this orange man.

Shrek POV
"Wow," I say in a small gasp. "This man is a true beauty. A work of art even."

Third person
Shrek decides right then and there that he has to meet this tan fellow. As Shrek walks into the shop people gasp in shock. They have never seen such a gorgeous ogre before. "I just know he's packing," a father whispers to his child. Looking at his dad in horror, the kid says "Ew, dad, what the fuck."

Thanks for reading. Sorry if this is kinda sloppy. It is 12:15am rn so I'm kinda tired lol.

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